[Air-L] Fw: [cpsj-l] CPS for journals and books - Paranormal Culture

Denise N. Rall denrall at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 8 17:34:21 PST 2012

Note the following call for chapters:

2. The Internet and digital paranormal cultures (paranormal sites and their users) 

Dr Denise N. Rall, Research Assistant, School of Health & Human Sciences
Exhibit opens 25 February: "The Bride as Banquet" The Channon Gallery, The Channon, NSW 
Denise N. Rall, Mobile +(61)(0)438 233344 Fax +(61)(0)2 6624 5380

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "baden.offord at scu.edu.au" <baden.offord at scu.edu.au>
To: clpc-l at lists.scu.edu.au 
Sent: Tuesday, 7 February 2012 2:12 PM
Subject: [cpsj-l] CPS for journals and books

Dear colleagues

Following the Sussex Centre for Cultural Studies conference of 2010 'Paranormal Cultures', Olu Jenzen and I are editing a large reference work of new research on the paranormal: the Ashgate Research Companion to Paranormal Cultures. The book will have around 30 chapters written by scholars from the UK, USA and Europe, with many illustrations. It focuses specifically on contemporary and popular manifestations of the paranormal, rather than the Spiritualism of the Victorian era, or Theosophy, for example, which has been covered elsewhere.
The project is already well established, with many chapters completed or at the editing stage. However, we are looking for contributions of 6,000 words on further material that we would like to include. 
Chapters would require a short introduction to the field you are writing in/of the research context, followed by your case study and 2-3 suggested readings to follow up.
The date for submission for these later chapters would be June 1st. However, we would need an abstract sent to us by February 14th please, for us to consider and then to go forward with your idea.

The specific topics or areas that we require further content on are as follows:

1. Hollywood representations of the paranormal (eg. Sixth Sense, The Others, Paranormal Activity etc)

2. The Internet and digital paranormal cultures (paranormal sites and their users)

3. Paranormal tourism (ghost walks, supernatural tours etc)

4. Commodification/commercial paranormal services (the economic dimensions of paranormal 'industries')

5. Therapeutic usage of the paranormal

6. Issues in law and the paranormal (legal cases in which 'possession' was cited as defence, for example)

Please would you kindly forward this call to any other relevant lists. 
Send your abstract/proposal to:
<mailto:s.r.munt at sussex.ac.uk>s.r.munt at sussex.ac.uk and <mailto:o.jenzen at brighton.ac.uk>o.jenzen at brighton.ac.uk

We look forward to hearing from you,
kind regards
Olu Jenzen and Sally R Munt

Sally R Munt
Professor of Gender Studies
Professor of Cultural Studies

Director: Sussex Centre for Cultural Studies

BABCP Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist

MFM, Silverstone Building
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton 

Southern Cultures, the award-winning and peer-reviewed quarterly from UNC's Center for the Study of the American South, would like to strongly encourage submissions for our sixth Music issue. We are a multidisciplinary journal, interested in all approaches and types of scholarship, and we pay our contributors. The deadline is March 5, 2012.

60,000 people annually read Southern Cultures in print, online, and through eBooks, including scholars and students of cultural studies, music, history, American studies, literature, pop culture, sociology, women & gender, photography & art, and many other subjects. To browse our archive of essays and features online by subject, please visit:

To read the latest Music issue and for information about submissions, please visit:

Thank you. 


Dave Shaw
Executive Editor, Southern Cultures
UNC's Center for the Study of the American South CB# 9127, UNC-CH Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-9127 www.SouthernCultures.org

"The rich array of photographs and graphics, and the sincere and effective attempt at readerly appeal, go well beyond what is attempted by most. . .  
Southern Cultures is truly impressive." 
-Council of Editors of Learned Journals  

Call for Papers:

Geophilosophies of Masculinity: Re-mapping gendered configurations of politics, aesthetics and knowledge

Themed edition of
Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities

Anna Hickey-Moody & Timothy Laurie, The University of Sydney

“The concept is not object but territory. It does not have an Object but a territory. For that very reason it has a past form, a present form and, perhaps, a form to come” 

(Deleuze and Guattari What is Philosophy? 1996: 101) 

Knowledges are generated by located cultural formations embedded in particular historical trajectories. Our themed edition of Angelaki builds on the suggestion ‘the concept is not object but territory’ through positing material-cultural geographies of masculinity as the sites in which thought is created. Such forms of thought are, we argue, necessarily gendered and the products of gendered cultures. We are specifically interested in ways in which lived cultures of masculinity might be read as offering means for understanding men and masculinities articulated across political formations, aesthetic practices and institutionalized systems of thought. Three specific disciplinary axes of analysis are suggested through which to explore these trajectories: performance studies, continental philosophy (especially Deleuze and Guattari’s work), and critical race theory. As editors, we are interested in contributions that consider cultural formations ranging
 from local performance spaces and working environments to global demarcations of masculinised territories, such as the nation-state or the “Western” hemisphere. We are interested in the ways in which different social boundaries and cultural economies are made and remade through articulations of masculinity and the extent to which such re-mappings can (or can not) be read as constitutive of thought.

An imperative driving this project is an interest in how cultural geography and masculinity studies might offer conceptual resources for scholars working in continental philosophy. Specifically, we are interested in how the examination of political and aesthetic terrains involved in the formation of masculinities, hegemonic or otherwise, might be mapped onto the field of continental philosophy. As such, the editors encourage a focus on the political implications and/or methodological consequences of poststructuralist approaches to masculinities, especially perspectives on the possible limitations of continental philosophical thinkers within more applied disciplines or fields of inquiry. To this end, articles utilizing models of thought generated within masculinity studies to reconsider or critique Deleuze and Guattari’s thought, and/or the work of other continental philosophers, are welcomed. We also invite contributions that draw on continental
 philosophy to interrogate literature from the field of masculinity studies.

Contributors are invited to explore specific geographies of masculinities as thought-machines.  As suggested above, there are three areas in which we would like to locate contributions:

·       Cultures of performance, music, dance and visual arts, including (ethico)aesthetic approaches to masculinities within artworks or performances, but also extending to the gendered dynamics of artistic production, consumption and/or reception.

·       Cultures of scholarship, including the institutional politics of masculinity studies, the impact of masculinities on research practices and publishing, and the take-up of psychoanalysis and post-structuralism within gender studies. We welcome contributions that explore the gender dynamics of knowledge production within specific university environments and/or in the context of global knowledge production. This work might also develop Alice Jardine's response to Deleuze and Guattari in the context of gendered research environments.

·       Masculinity and geographies of race, including the formation of masculine identities, stereotypes and spaces along racial and ethnic lines, or within racially "marked" diasporic communities. This could also include considerations of masculinities within anthropology, migration studies and critical race studies.

Contributors are invited to consider the constitutive relationship to femininity performed through the masculinities under consideration.

About the editors:

Dr. Anna Hickey-Moody is a lecturer in Gender and Cultural Studies at Sydney University. Anna has a background in performance studies, youth studies and education. She is co-author of Masculinity beyond the Metropolis (Palgrave, 2006), co-editor of Deleuzian Encounters (Palgrave, 2007) and author of Unimaginable Bodies (Sense, 2009). 

Timothy Laurie is a PhD Candidate in Gender and Cultural Studies at Sydney University. His thesis examines theories of cultural economy, focusing on issues of race, ethnicity and gender in the US and UK music industries 1958-1990. He has published on Gilles Deleuze and music criticism, and has a forthcoming book-chapter on Deleuze and Afrofuturism.  He is currently researching Anglo-Saxonism and the gender politics of heritage in the New Wave of British Heavy Metal.

Submission Details:

Abstracts of 500-750 words should be submitted in electronic format to the editors by March 31st 2012. This special issue of Angelaki is scheduled for publication in spring 2013. This means that completed papers should be with the issue editors no later than September 25th 2012. Papers will then be circulated to external referees and depending on their feedback, papers will be amended or accepted by the deadline of November 20th 2012.

Length: 5,000 -10,000 words.

Queries on this themed edition should be addressed to both the issue editors:

Anna Hickey-Moody <mailto:anna.hickey-moody at sydney.edu.au>anna.hickey-moody at sydney.edu.au

Timothy Laurie <mailto:tlau2820 at gmail.com>tlau2820 at gmail.com

Work accepted for development in this special issue must conform to the Modern Language Association Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (<file:///C/Users/Timothy%20Laurie/Documents/Uni/AppData/Local/Temp/AppData/Local/Temp/AppData/Local/Temp/Temp1_Decomposing%20Bodies%5B1%5D.zip/www.mla.org>www.mla.org). Manuscripts should be original in content and not published, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts are not returned. 

Angelaki: journal of the theoretical humanities

Latest Special Issue: Shadows of Cruelty: Sadism, Masochism & the Philosophical Muse, Part One


Published by Routledge, Angelaki is a leading international humanities journal. It is the most accessed of the publisher's 200+ arts and humanities journals. 12,561 full-text downloads from 80+ countries.

Angelaki Humanities book series

New Books: Postmodernism. What Moment?; Disclosed Poetics: Beyond Landscape and Lyricism


Travel and Transformation<#_ftn1>*
Edited by: Garth Lean, Russell Staiff and Emma Waterton (University of Western Sydney, Australia)
Travel and tourism have a long association with the notion of transformation, both in terms of self and social collectives. As Bruner (1991) pointed out some two decades ago, this is not all too surprising, given the ubiquity of quips such as ‘a trip to remember’ or ‘a trip of a lifetime’ within the marketing material that accompanies the tourism industry. What is surprising, however, is that this association has, on the whole, remained relatively underexplored and unchallenged, with little in the way of a balanced corpus of academic literature surrounding these themes. Instead, much of the literature remains focused upon describing and categorising tourism and travel experiences from a supply-side perspective and taxonomising travellers on the basis of their level of involvement and interest. Occasional forays into theory have generated some important milestone contributions but there have been few new attempts at a rigorous re-theorisation of
 the issues. Thus, while threads of research have emerged that take ‘transformation’ seriously, these have tended to focus upon particular niches – study abroad, backpacking, volunteer tourism, nature-based recreation and so forth. The opportunity to explore the general socio-cultural phenomenon of transformation through travel has thus far been missed (Lean 2009).
This Call for Papers aims to attend to this lacuna in the literature, reflecting upon what it means to transform through travel in a modern, mobile world. We seek contributions from a multidisciplinary cohort (including, but certainly not limited to: geographers, sociologists, cultural researchers, philosophers, anthropologists, visual researchers, historians and literary scholars), who are researching and considering notions of experience, mobility and affect, all of which seem central to the idea of ‘transformation’. As a catalyst for ideas, but in no way a restrictive list, possible themes might include:
·         Travel as an agent of personal, social and/or cultural transformation, in both modern and historical contexts;
·         Representations of transformation through travel in movies, literature, art, performances, photographs, family histories…;
·         Travel and transformation from non-western perspectives;
·         Transformation through non-physical travel – imaginary, virtual, communicative, …;
·         The role of the senses in transformation – sight, sound, taste, smell and touch;
·         Transformation through travel in relation to gender, race, class, …;
·         Non-transformative travel and critiques of the promotion of travel as an agent of transformation;
The volume seeks contributions from a variety of physical and non-physical travel perspectives (such as migration, refugees, military service, virtual travel, imaginative travel, pilgrimage and so forth). We would also like to see proposals that reach beyond Western and textual representations, and that examine new methods for the investigation, analysis and presentation of travel and its impact upon travellers, societies and cultures. Travel and transformation can be defined as contributors wish, and may remain undefined. While the book will incorporate chapters from established figures, we also encourage submissions from postgraduate students too. A word limit of 6–7,000 is proposed for each chapter (including references).
Writing Schedule:
Please submit chapter proposals (abstracts of up to 500 words) to the volume’s editors at <mailto:g.lean at uws.edu.au>g.lean at uws.edu.au by 9th March 2012, with decisions by the editors communicated by the early of April 2012. First drafts of accepted contributions will be due by the end of August 2012, with the full manuscript deliverable by the end of April 2013.
See attached for details on editors and references.
* This book proposal will be submitted as part of Current Developments in the Geographies of Leisure and Tourism, a book series of the Geographies of Leisure and Tourism Research Group with the Royal Geographical Society and the Institute of British Geographers (GLTRG) (Series Editors: Jan Mosedale and Caroline Scarles). 
Dr Garth Lean
Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Social Sciences (P.G.02, Kingswood Campus)
University of Western Sydney
Mail: Locked Bag 1791, Penrith NSW 2751, Australia
Phone: (+61) 02 4736 0350 (x2350) – Mobile: (+61) 0421 326 406 – Email: <mailto:g.lean at uws.edu.au>g.lean at uws.edu.au – Website: <www.transformativetravel.com> www.transformativetravel.com

<#_ftnref1>* This book proposal will be submitted as part of Current Developments in the Geographies of Leisure and Tourism, a book series of the Geographies of Leisure and Tourism Research Group with the Royal Geographical Society and the Institute of British Geographers (GLTRG) (Series Editors: Jan Mosedale and Caroline Scarles).

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