[Air-L] using social media short course

Tatyana Lockot tatyana.lockot at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 11:53:41 PST 2012


As I teach online journalism and new media, which in many aspects is a
practical course, here are a few suggestions:

- Get students to analyze how different groups (journalists, activists,
politicians) use the same platforms - Twitter, Facebook, etc.
- Get students to use Storify and similar tools to learn how to curate
content - and to think about what this means for the communications sphere.
- This is not something I do in my course, because I teach journalism
students, but, depending on how broadly you define communications and which
students you teach the course to, it might be worth looking at how people
use social media to express themselves - emotionally and creatively; how
people construct identities through using social networks; how using social
media redefines the notion of memory; how generations interact on social
networks. These areas could all be turned into very practical tasks
involving content analysis and ethnography-like techniques.

May I also suggest another excellent read - Tales From Facebook by Daniel
Miller http://www.amazon.com/Tales-Facebook-Daniel-Miller/dp/0745652107


On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 9:12 PM, Holly Kruse <holly.kruse at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm teaching a two-week long intersession short course called "Using
> Social Media" during spring intersession, and I'd love some ideas for
> assignments and topics to cover. It's not an online course. I've
> taught much more theoretical, historical, etc. semester-long courses
> on digital media/CMC, but this class is meant to be quite applied. I'm
> having the students read Nancy Baym's Personal Connections in the
> Internet Age and Clay Shirky's Here Comes Everybody, and the students
> will write a paper, but I need to fill three hours a day for two
> weeks, so any suggestions are most welcome!
> Thanks,
> Holly
> ----
> Holly Kruse.
> Department of Communications
> Rogers State University
> 1701 W. Will Rogers Blvd.
> Claremore, OK 74017
> 918-343-7879
> hkruse at rsu.edu or DrKruseRSU at gmail.com
> http://hollykruse.com or http://www.rsu.edu/academics/comm/kruse.asp
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Tetyana Lokot

Doctoral student in MassComm
Head of New Media Sequence
Mohyla School of Journalism
National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
8/5, Volos`ka Str., building 4, office 404,
Kyiv, Ukraine, 04070
mob: +380506611020

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