[Air-L] List of Arab Spring and Media-related theory papers and empirical studies

David Brake davidbrake at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 03:34:48 PDT 2012

Dear Colleagues,

Several scholars both on-list and off (including myself) have put together a list of academic literature related to the Arab Spring from a media studies perspective - a Google Doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DU8AOlkTV6F0ZyoGcbk_060iBZG5tWKwj_n97EJPe9M/edit (it started as a posting on my Facebook page - evidence it's not all about sharing cat pix!). I then produced a Zotero group https://www.zotero.org/groups/arabspringmedia from it which is now well behind the growth of the Google doc. Please use these docs, redistribute them and most of all add to them. I personally would be particularly interested in theoretical texts and/or textbooks for teaching which may not be directly about the Arab Spring but which would relate helpfully to its study (eg foundational texts about the role of new media in activism). I would also be grateful for help in maintaining and updating the Zotero group which is now 'out of sync' with the greatly-expanded Google Doc list. Contact me directly if you would like to be made an 'editor' of the Zotero group so you can add references to it and contact Patrick McCurdy (patrickmmccurdy [at] gmail.com) to be made an editor of the Google Doc.

Special thanks to Patrick McCurdy, Radamis Zaky & Zeynep Tufekci who are the other principal co-contributors to the document to date.

Hope you find this useful!

David Brake (@drbrake http://davidbrake.org/) Senior Lecturer, Journalism & Communications, University of Bedfordshire http://www.beds.ac.uk/departments/jc +44 (0) 1582 743028

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