[Air-L] CFP: IFIP WG9.4 Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries

Yanuar Nugroho yanuar-n at unisosdem.org
Thu Jun 14 05:01:41 PDT 2012

Dear colleagues
Please circulate this call to your networks - and if you also have 
something in mind, let's discuss!
With best wishes,


WG 9.4: Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries
12th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in 
Developing Countries
Theme: "Into the Future: Themes, insights and agendas for ICT4D research 
and practice"
Ocho Rios Jamaica, 19-22 May, 2013
Submission Deadline: 26 November 2012

TRACK 14: Social Media and Development

Track Chairs
Brian Nicholson
University of Manchester
Brian.nicholson at mbs.ac.uk

Anita Greenhill
University of Manchester
a.greenhill at manchester.ac.uk

Yanuar Nugroho
University of Manchester
yanuar.nugroho at mbs.ac.uk

Track Description
This stream invites contributions on Social Media and Development with 
an emphasis on societal change and poverty alleviation. Social Media 
refers to a group of Internet-based applications that build on the 
ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the 
creation and exchange of User Generated Content (Kaplan and Haenlein 
2010). Mobile and fixed line web-based social media offer potential in 
developing countries to empower individuals and groups by supporting 
such applications as citizen reporting, crowd sourcing and education. 
Social media may contribute to poverty alleviation by facilitating 
sharing of resources (time, expertise, support); information (job 
opportunities, benefits advice, influence) ; opportunities for 
capacity-building (to develop skills or start an enterprise); and 
enables collective action and influence (improving a local area, social 
campaigning, ensuring a voice in local affairs). It can also reduce 
corruption and increase institutional transparency, thus improving the 
effectiveness of state poverty reduction initiatives (Afridi 2011, 
Bertot et al., 2010).

Papers in this stream will contribute to debates on :

* "development 2.0" (Thompson, 2008), "open development" (Smith et al., 
* investigations of the informational, capacity-building and enabling 
role of social media for poverty alleviation building on Heeks (2010) 
and Madon and Sahay, (2002) for example.
* social media for political activism building on Ameripour et al., (2010).
* The impacts and the broader notion of new ICT-enabled development 
models are still debated and this stream will contribute to this discourse.

Papers and panel proposals may include (but are not confined to) :

* Examples and best practices: How are social media being used in 
development? How may these applications be analysed and theorised? This 
may include empirical cases theorised appropriately and methods for 
supporting and studying social media in development. Examples may 
include social media and disaster relief, reducing corruption in 
developing countries; or use of particular social media (e.g. Twitter, 
Blogs, Facebook etc.) in particular countries for political activism 
(eg. Indonesia).
* Social issues of digital development: social practices of online life, 
for example dealing with disparate communities, social organising for 
pleasure or survival; issues of access and digital divide. Privacy, 
intellectual property, protection of young people.
* Development and Empowerment equalities and inequalities, the slowing 
down and speeding up of experience and life in the digitised social 
media environment. Topics may include how beneficiaries of power are 
redistributed, if any, in course of technological exchange. Does the 
fall of regimes in the so called Arab Spring for example provide 
examples of enlivened radicalism and empowered populations resulting 
from social media? or is this explanation reflective of a naive 
technological determinism? Studies that support or critique utopian / 
dystopian perspectives on social media effects are welcomed.
* Reflexivity between the studies of Social Media and Development: 
analysis of how discourses around social media affect use of technology 
and how discourses of social media affect the study of development for 
example the role of language, ethnicity, technological shortfalls, 
ethics; ways in which methodological approaches in each field can inform 
each other. Links between social media in the developing world and 
development, for example the potential of social media for Open Development.

We welcome panel discussion proposals, work in progress and full 
research papers to explore the theme of this stream.

For paper format and submission guidelines please refer to the main 
conference website.

Indicative Sources:

* Afridi, A., (2011). Social networks: their role in addressing poverty. 
Report. Joseph Rowntree Foundation Programme Paper on Poverty and 
Ethnicity. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
* Ameripour, A. Nicholson, B, Newman, M (2010) Conviviality of internet 
social networks: an exploratory study of internet campaigns in Iran. 
Journal of Information Technology. 25(2): p244-257
* Bertot, J.C., Jaeger, P.T., Grimes, J.M., (2010). Using ICTs to create 
a culture of transparency: E-government and social media as openness and 
anti-corruption tools for societies. Government Information Quarterly 
27(2010), 264-271.
* Ekine, S (2009) SMS Uprising: mobile phone activism in Africa, Fahamu/ 
Pambazuka, Oxford.
* Garrett, R. K. (2006). Protest in an Information Society: A Review of 
Literature on Social Movements and New ICTs. Information, Communication 
and Society, 9(2), 202-224
* Greenhill A. & Fletcher, G (2009), Blog/shop: its authentic so don’t 
worry Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, 7(1), 
pp 39-53
* Heeks, R., (2010). Conceptualising ICTs, Enterprise and Poverty 
Alleviation. Report. Geneva: UNCTAD.
* Kaplan,A Haenlein,M (2010) Users of the world, unite! The challenges 
and opportunities of Social Media, Business Horizons, 53,(1) 59-68,
* Madon, S., Sahay, S., (2002). An information-based model of NGO 
mediation for the empowerment of slum dwellers in Bangalore. The 
Information Society 18(1), 13-19.
* Morozov, E. (2011) The Net Delusion: How Not to Liberate the World. 
Allen Lane, London
* Nugroho, Y. (2011) ‘Opening the black box: The adoption of innovations 
in the voluntary sector –The case of Indonesian civil society 
organisations’, Research Policy, 40(5):761-777
* Rheingold, H. (2002) Smart Mobs: the Next Social Revolution, 
Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing.
* Smith, M.L., Elder, L., & Emdon, H. (2011) Open Development: A new 
theory for ICT4D. Information Technology and International Development, 
7(1), iii-ix.
* Thompson, M., (2008). ICT and development studies: Towards development 
2.0. Journal of International Development 20, 821-835.

Dr. Yanuar Nugroho
Hallsworth Research Fellow
Manchester Institute of Innovation Research MIoIR/PREST
The University of Manchester
Suite 6.15 MBS Harold Hankins Building
Precinct Centre, Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL United Kingdom
T. +44-161-275-5904
F. +44-161-275-0923
E. yanuar_DOT_nugroho_AT_manchester_DOT_ac_DOT_uk
U. http://www.manchester.ac.uk/research/mbs/Yanuar.Nugroho/
U. audentis.wordpress.com

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