[Air-L] New mailing list for geospatial web researchers: geoweb-r

Alan McConchie alan.mcconchie at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 07:13:48 PDT 2012

Hello Air-Listers,

Some of us geographers who work at the intersection of spatial data and social media (what we call the geospatial web or "geoweb") have created a new google group for geoweb research: "geoweb-r"


There is certainly a lot of overlap between our interests and the topics that come up on Air-L (and many of us lurk here), so possibly some of you would be interested in this new list. We intend to use this list for the usual CFPs, job postings, etc. We will also have longer form discussions as a complement to our bi-weekly twitter chats at the hashtag #geowebchat (http://mappingmashups.net/geowebchat).

Please forward this link to anyone who would be interested.


Alan McConchie
PhD Candidate
University of British Columbia

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