[Air-L] Steve Jones a 2012 ICA Fellow

Prof. Murero (main) murero.monica at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 13:39:15 PDT 2012

People like Steve Jones 

have the unique ability
to make "the world" 

become more passionate and committed 

with Internet Research and aoir…

I feel lucky and privileged to have worked with Steve for years @aoir 

and be inspired by his greatness and modesty. 



ciao e grazie

Monica Murero , Ph.D. 

AoIR Honorific Lifetime Member

Director E-Life International Institute

Associate Professor in Politics of e-Government

and in Sociology of New Technology

University Federico II, Italy

AoIR Exec, 2003-2009; AoIR Treasurer, 2005-2009


LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/pub/monica-murero-ph-d/16/52/606

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/monica_murero 


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