[Air-L] CFP for Communication Design Quarterly Review

Liza Potts lpotts at MSU.EDU
Wed Mar 14 18:13:13 PDT 2012

Hi folks,

I wanted to let you know about a new publication I'm working on with Michael Albers. Notice the special section for graduate student work. And if you haven't checked it out already, I'd like to encourage you to join us at SIGDOC 2012 (http://www.sigdoc.org/2012/) - submission deadline for paper and posers is June 1. Feel free to email me for more details. 


ACM SIGDOC (Special Interest Group Design of Communication) will begin publishing Communication Design Quarterly Review (CDQR) in mid-2012 with four issues per year. It seeks to be the premier informational source for industry, management, and academia in the multidisciplinary field of the design and communication of information. Edited by Michael Albers and Liza Potts, it will contain a mix of peer-reviewed articles, columns, experience reports, and brief summaries of interesting research results.

Communication Design Quarterly Review will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. A printed version will be sent to SIGDOC members and to libraries with an ACM institutional subscription.

We invite you to contribute in any of the following areas:

Peer-reviewed articles. Articles that cross discipline boundaries as they focus on the effective and efficient methods of designing and communicating information; disciplines will include technical communication, information design, information architecture, interaction design, and human-computer interaction.

Experience reports. Experience reports present project- or workplace-focused summaries of important technologies, techniques, or product processes.

Interesting research results. Short reports on interesting research or usability results that lack the rigor for a full article. For example, pilot studies, graduate student projects, or corporate usability studies where full details can’t be released.

We are also interested in proposals for guest editing special issues. As a guest editor, you would be responsible for providing two peer reviewed articles on a specific topic and, potentially, coordinating with the column editors so their columns can complement the issue’s theme.

For more information or submissions, contact Michael Albers (albersm at ecu.edu) or Liza Potts (lpotts at msu.edu).


Let me know if you have any questions!

Take care,
Treasurer/Secretary of ACM's SIGDOC
Liza Potts, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Writing, Rhetoric, & American Cultures
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Email: lpotts at msu.edu  |  AIM: LizaPotts  |  Skype: LKPotts  |  Office: Bessey 291

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