[Air-L] What are your views about technology? - brief survey request (IRB approved)

craig boman craig.boman at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 06:43:59 PDT 2012

Dear librarians,

If you work with any type of electronic resources, be it electronic
journals or any digital collections, the members of my research group are
very interested to have you contribute to maximizing workplace efficiency
by completing a very brief anonymous survey. To give you a greater
understanding of our survey, we hope to answer such questions as: What are
the implications of a multi-generational library workforce, with specific
regards to workflows, technology and leadership and collaboration? Or what
are the strengths and weaknesses of the Millennial generation and how can
they be leveraged by organizations managing electronic resources? Before
completing the survey, please be advised that this survey is completely
voluntary and you will not be compensated for your answers. If you consent
to participate in this anonymous survey and to have your anonymous answers
used in research publications, please follow the link below:


And please excuse the cross postings.

Thanks for
your time,
      Craig Boman
University of Dayton Libraries
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469
cboman1 at udayton.edu

Research Group:
Juleah Swanson
Electronic Resources and Access Librarian
Ohio State University Libraries
swanson.234 at osu.edu

Esta Day
Library Technician
University of Kentucky
esta.day at uky.edu

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