[Air-L] New report on the media menus of internetusers (DK)

Niels Ole Finnemann finnemann at imv.au.dk
Tue May 15 02:29:54 PDT 2012

We have just published a report on the 'Media menus of Danish Internet users
in 2009'. The report can be downloaded for free form our website:
http://changingborders.au.dk . A summary of main findings is included. The
report is based on the results of a web survey based on a representative
panel of the Danish internet population in 2009 which represented 86% of the
whole national population. 

The results may be of relevance for an international audience for several
reasons, one being that to our knowledge it is one of the first surveys
covering the use of all media in a country with close to full scale internet

The survey was designed by the research project 'Changing Borderlines:
Mediatization and Cultural Citizenship' funded by the Danish Research
Council for The Humanities. Grant No: 09-063951

The website also holds references to all project publications. 


Niels Ole Finnemann

Head of Project

Professor, dr. phil.

Department of Aestethics and Communication

Helsingforsgade 14

Aarhus University




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