[Air-L] [JVWR] The New Issue: 5(1) Assembled 2012 has been published

Tzafnat Shpak tzafnat.shpak at jvwresearch.org
Fri May 18 21:53:24 PDT 2012

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[image: Journal of Virtual Worlds

We are happy to announce the publication of:
*Volume 5, Number 1: Assembled 2012*

The editorial team for this issue:

   - *David Kurt Herold, *Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong
   Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
   - *Shailey Minocha*, Department of Computing, The Open University,UK
   - *Natalia Rybas*, Department of Communication Studies, Indiana
   University East, USA

 Despite differences in topics, style, and methodologies, all the papers in
this assembled issue share the desire to see virtual worlds researched in
far greater depth.

   - *Managing Editor’s Corner: Welcome to First Issue of
   Yesha Y. Sivan
   - *Issue Editors' Corner: An Assembled
   David Kurt Herold, Shailey Minocha, Natalia Rybas
   - *Who is Portrayed in Second Life: Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? The Extent
   of Congruence Between Real Life and Virtual
   Bernadett Koles, Peter Nagy
   - *Samarita Ibanez: An Identity Journey from First Life to
   Samara Mamatovna Anarbaeva
   - *Between Purpose and Method: A Review of Educational Research on 3D
   Virtual Worlds*<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=399352d33e&e=4ef1ac0778>
   Sahoon H. Kim, Jiyeon Lee Lee, Michael K. Thomas
   - *Second Life and Academia – Reframing the Debate between Supporters
   and Critics<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=9011cf028a&e=4ef1ac0778>
   David Kurt Herold
   - *How do People with Disability Use and Experience Virtual Worlds and
   ICT: A Literature
   Karen Stendal

Let me conclude with few notes on this first issue of 2012 which opens our
fifth year. This year we focus on JVWR
international expansion.

   - This issue was led by David Herold from Hong Kong, teamed with Shaily
   Minocha from UK and Natalia Rybas from the US.
   - Our next issue will be led by Ken Lim from Singapore;
   - This month, May 2012, JVWR will host a Special Seminar on Virtuality
   as a Frontier for MIS Research as part of AIS affiliated Eleventh Wuhan
   International Conference on E-Business, in Wuhan, China;
   - We connected with MCIS 2012 with a special track on Real Virtual
   Worlds and Serious Games, September 2012, Guimarães, Portugal;
   - We connected with the HICSS conference for a special issue on Q3 2013
   to be headed by Imed Boughzala, Institut Mines-Telecom, France;

We are also happy to let you know of the following:

   - Our web site includes now a special page on*
   * in our field.
   - We have a special page that includes a cover view of all our past
   - You welcome you to join our Facebook page (search “Journal of Virtual
   Worlds Research”)
   - And/or subscribe to our mailing list (on the top left of
   - Cover art is an avatar design by Elif Ayiter, aka Alpha Auer.

  Wishing you all interesting reading and joyful journey in the Journal of
Virtual Worlds Research,

Tzafnat Shpak
Coordinating Editor
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

 Prof. Yesha Y. Sivan
 Managing Editor
 Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

[image: Assembled 2012

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*Tzafnat Shpak*
Coordinating Editor
*The Journal of Virtual World Research*

tzafnat.shpak at jvwresearch.org

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