[Air-L] 2nd CFP: CyberOrient: The Net Worth of the Arab Spring

Ulf-Dietrich Reips u.reips at ikerbasque.org
Sat May 5 05:44:45 PDT 2012

Hi Vit, all:
a possible reference for any of the articles in 
your special issue could be the article by 
Alqudsi-ghabra et al. that recently appeared in 
the International Journal of Internet Science 

Alqudsi-ghabra, T. M., Al-Bannai, T., Al-Bahrani, 
M. (2011). The Internet in the Arab Gulf 
Cooperation Council (AGCC): Vehicle of change. 
International Journal of Internet Science, (6)1, 

The authors might even be interested in 
submitting a contribution to your special issue.

Best wishes --u

At 13:22 Uhr +0200 5.5.2012, Vit Sisler wrote:
>2nd Call for Papers
>**apologies for cross posting**
>"The Net Worth of the Arab Spring"
>Call for Papers - Special Issue
>CyberOrient: Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East
>Editor-in-Chief: Daniel Martin Varisco
>Guest Editor: Ines Braune
>Submission deadline: 31 May 2012
>As the first anniversary of the "Arab Spring" nears, several
>long-standing dictators have been toppled, protests still continue in
>other countries and new governments are being formed.  Arguably,
>throughout this last year digital media have played an important, if
>not defining, role through Twitter, Facebook, blogs and the extensive
>news coverage in cyberspace. This is a call for papers across
>disciplines aiming for critical and evidence-based evaluation of the
>use of social media in the Arab Spring, the coverage of the Arab
>Spring in cyberspace and beyond, and the remediation and appropriation
>between social media and traditional media outlets, including
>satellite TVs and the press. First-person and ethnographic accounts
>are welcomed, but CyberOrient welcomes contributions from any field.
>About CyberOrient
>CyberOrient (http://www.cyberorient.net/) is a peer-reviewed journal
>published by the Middle East Section of the American Anthropological
>Association in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts of Charles
>University in Prague. The aim of the journal is to provide research
>and theoretical considerations on the representation of Islam and the
>Middle East, the very areas that used to be styled as an "Orient", in
>cyberspace, as well as the impact of the internet and new media in
>Muslim and Middle Eastern contexts.  The articles will be published
>online with free access in early autumn, 2012.
>Articles should be submitted directly to Ines Braune
>(ines.braune at uni-marburg.de) and Vit Sisler (vit.sisler at ff.cuni.cz).
>Vit Sisler, Ph.D.
>Charles University in Prague
>Faculty of Arts & Philosophy
>Institute of Information Science and Librarianship
>New Media Studies
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Prof. Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips
	Ikerbasque Research Professor     
	iScience group
	Facultades de Ingenería y de Psicología y Educación
	Universidad de Deusto
	Apartado 1, 48080 Bilbao, España

Phone: +34 944139003, then type 2927

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