[Air-L] Program, travel information for CATaC'12 - June 18-20, Aarhus, Denmark

Charles Ess charles.ess at gmail.com
Mon May 28 07:23:16 PDT 2012

Dear AoIRists,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee - we are very pleased to announce that
the detailed program for CATaC'12 (Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and
Communication) is now available on the conference website:

The program is made up of presentations from colleagues from over 20
countries, and is accompanied by a great deal of detailed information
regarding travel to and from Aarhus, Denmark; excursion possibilities,
restaurant recommendations, etc.
Registration for CATaC'12 is still open - but please note that
accommodations will be extremely tight during this period in Aarhus. If you
are considering attending, we strongly suggest that you ensure you have
reserved accommodations before registering for the conference.

Our congratulations to the authors whose papers and panels were accepted and
thereby constitute a very strong conference program indeed.  We very much
look forward to welcoming presenters and participants to Aarhus in June.

All the best from "the city of smiles"
- charles ess (Media Studies, Aarhus University)

Fay Sudweeks (Professor Emerita, Murdoch University, Australia), honorary
Herbert Hrachovec (University of Vienna, Austria)
Leah Macfadyen (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Jose Abdelnour Nocera (University of West London, UK)
Kenneth Reeder (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Ylva Hård af Segerstad (Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden)
Michele M. Strano (Bridgewater College, Virginia, USA)
Andra Siibak (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Maja van der Velden (University of Oslo)

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