[Air-L] Call for Demonstrations for EdTech Innovation

Maiga Chang maiga at ms2.hinet.net
Tue Nov 20 13:03:14 PST 2012

[Apologies if you receive multiple times, please circulate this to
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-------  Call for Demonstrations for EdTech Innovation -----------
EdTech Innovation (http://www.edinnovation.ca/)
May 1 -3, 2013 - Calgary, AB Canada

Call for Demonstrations (http://www.edinnovation.ca/call-for-demonstrations/)

EdTech Innovation is a national conference, hosted by Athabasca University in Calgary, May 1-3, 2013, bringing together startups, 
small and medium enterprises, researchers, and purchasers and venture capitalists. The conference will profile innovative research 
being conducted in Canadian universities as well as startups that are developing new technologies, products, and services. 
Connecting researchers with startups will enable new forms of innovation and partnership opportunities in growing Canada's 
educational ecosystem. We expect 200 attendees for this event. An open trade show will be available the general public to see new 
educational tools and techniques.

The conference organizers are pleased to invite companies, startups, VCs, and researchers to submit a one-paragraph proposal to 
present at the conference. This submission should include: a short description of the innovative product (research or startup) that 
you would like to demonstrate, what makes it innovative, technology requirements for the demonstration, and contact person. 
Submissions will close on January 31, 2013 and successful vendors and researchers will be informed by February 27, 2013.

Please send your demonstration proposal to George Siemens at gsiemens at athabascau.ca


Maiga Chang
maiga.chang at gmail.com
11, 20 '12 PM 01:58 in Edmonton

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Technology for Education and Learning
Executive Editor, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (EI)
Associate Editor, International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design

Learning Culture and Language through ICTs: Methods for Enhanced Instruction

Guest Editor, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learningy (SSCI)
Special Issue on Technology Enhanced Information Retrieval and Processing for Online Learning

Guest Associate Editor, IEEE Technology and Engineering Education
Special Issue on Cloud Computing Technology and Applications (Vol. 7, No. 2)

School of Computing and Information Systems (http://scis.athabascau.ca/)
Athabasca University

1200, 10011-109 Street
Edmonton, T5J-3S8
AB, Canada

Phone: +1-866-916-8646
Website: http://maiga.dnsalias.org and http://maiga.athabascau.ca
CV: http://scis.athabascau.ca/scis/staff/faculty.jsp?id=maigac

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