[Air-L] SPIR announcement (ref. IR13.0)

Suely Fragoso suely.fragoso at ymail.com
Sat Nov 17 16:39:04 PST 2012

Dear all
I'm very happy to announce that the second issue of the open
access online collection, Selected Papers of Internet Research (SPIR) with
papers from IR 13.0 in Manchester, is now available at http://spir.aoir.org/
As with the inaugural issue in 2011, it would not have been
possible to create this resource without the motivation and support of the
Editorial Committee or the commitment and responsiveness of the authors. I
thank all authors and fellow editors Andrew Herman, Axel Bruns, Kate O'Riordan
and Jocelyn Williams most sincerely for their hard work.
Please browse, enjoy and refer to this excellent collection,
and recommend it to your networks.  In this way AoIR scholarship, as well
as its annual conference, gains visibility.
Best wishes
Suely Fragoso
SPIR Editor

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