[Air-L] Looking for references on grammatical prejucice

Denise N. Rall denrall at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 26 20:32:17 PST 2012

Casey -

David Crystal has done a lot on language and the Internet, including a book, 'Language and the Internet' Also, Crystal is on Youtube about it.

It sounds like a 'Miss Manners' and the internet problem. I've seen it mentioned in the NYTimes column in Sunday Style, Social Q's columns.

Another search pulled up ''Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior. Might be something there!

Cheers, Denise

Dr Denise N. Rall, Casual Academic, School of Arts & Social Sciences
Chair of Textiles stream, Popular Culture Australia-New Zealand
Currently in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia 
Phones - Mobile +(61)(0)438 233344 Fax +(61)(0)2 6624 5380

 From: Casey Tesfaye <klt35 at georgetown.edu>

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