[Air-L] Programme and registration: ESA RN18 Conference "Communication, Crisis and Critique in Contemporary Capitalism"

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Tue Sep 11 07:45:55 PDT 2012

European Sociological Association
Research Network 18 - Sociology of Communications and Media Research
October 18-20
University of the Basque Country, Bilbao

The programme of the conference has been published:

Keynote talk:
Prof. Peter Golding (Northumbria University, UK)
Why a Sociologist should take Communications and Media Seriously
In the presentation of this paper, Peter Golding will reflect on why the 
study of communications and media demands the insights and methods of 
sociology. He will present reflections on how such key sociological 
concerns as inequality, identity, power, and change are at the heart of 
the questions we should be posing in addressing the nature and role of 
the media as institutions and communications as a social process. The
paper will also address how far changes in the technologies of media and
communications alter, or should alter, our approach to generating 
research and insight in this field.

Participation registration is possible until September 23, 2012, via 
e-mail to christian.fuchs at im.uu.se (name, institutional affiliation).

Conference fee: regular 50 Euros
Members of ESA RN18: 35 Euros
Payment: in cash at the registration desk in Bilbao

You can become a member of ESA RN18 by joining the ESA and subscribing 
to the network RN18 - Sociology of Communications and Media Research:

ESA RN18 on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/esarn18
The Bilbao Conference on Facebook: 

Christian Fuchs
Chair of ESA RN18

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