[Air-L] Fwd: [Sesweden] Call for Papers - Software Technology Exchange Workshop 2012

Sari sari at cs.aau.dk
Wed Sep 12 09:55:09 PDT 2012

On behalf of Jaana Nyfjord.

All the best,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Sesweden] Call for Papers - Software Technology Exchange 
Workshop 2012
Date: 	Tue, 11 Sep 2012 21:15:14 +0200
From: 	Jaana Nyfjord <jaana at swedsoft.se>


Swedsoft and its members invite you submit papers to the Second 
International Software Technology Exchange Workshop (STEW). Swedsoft is 
a cross domain initiative to strengthen software engineering in Swedish 
industry and Academia through cooperation and research. The workshop 
will take place on November 28 2012 in Kista, Sweden.
STEW - General Information
Transfer of results of academic research into real products or 
integrating them into industrial ways-of-working is one of the key 
challenges for both academic institutions and companies in many domains. 
Computing systemsand software related research are not exceptions here. 
Many companies today are often unaware of the existing research and many 
academic institutions have difficulties to disseminate their results 
within the industry.
To remedy this, the Second International Software Technology Exchange 
Workshop (STEW) has been organized by Swedsoft to facilitate knowledge 
exchange and dissemination ofacademic results within the industry. STEW 
provides a forum forresearchers who can gain access to the interested 
industry representatives, and for the industry representatives who 
havethe interest and opportunity to utilize the outcome of the research 
into realproducts or software product development. The workshop also 
strives topromote networking among academia and industry attendees.
Areas of Interest
We seek submissions from researchers working in any field related to 
software technologies and software development methodologies. The only 
requirement is that the research results published should havereached a 
level where industrial adoption becomes possible. The main fields 
ofinterest include, but are not limited to
·Emerging or established software technologies such as many-core 
programming,real-time systems, cloud computing, novel programming 
paradigms, languages or tools
·Software development techniques, especially in the context of complex 
systems, large scale development and geographically distributed 
organizations, such as model based development, agile and post-agile 
waysof working, feature centric development
·Software governance models, methods, studies and proposals
Submissions shall be in standard, 2-column ACM format, no longer than 3 
pages. While quantitative results are welcome, we are mostly interested 
in the novelty aspect of the research as well as its relevance for the 
industry and immediacy of putting it into practice in an industrial 
setting. Both unpublished as well asrecently published papers are 
welcome. STEW does not have any copyright requirements. Hence, 
publishing at STEW should not prevent the researchers from publishing 
the results at other scientific conferences. All accepted submissions 
will be published through Swedsoft'swebpage, www.swedsoft.se 
<http://www.swedsoft.se/>. By submitting, authors automatically 
givepermission for publication on the Swedsoft page.
The Program Committee will consist of industrial and academic 
representatives.The Program Committee will give priority to papers that 
can clearlyarticulate both the results of the research as well as the 
concrete areas ofapplicability. At least one author of each accepted 
paper will be required to attendthe workshop and present the paper in a 
20 minutes session. We encourage you toprepare a demo of your 
technology, if applicable.
Please use the following link to submit your papers:
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline...................................October 
12th, 2012
31st, 2012
28th, 2012
Program Chair and Workshop Organizers
Program Chair: Stefan Andersson, Vice President Head of Product 
Creation, Saab AB
Workshop Organizers (contact persons):
Jaana Nyfjord, Swedsoft (jaana at swedsoft.se <mailto:jaana at swedsoft.se>)
Björn Hovstadius, Swedsoft (bjorn at swedsoft.se <mailto:bjorn at swedsoft.se>)

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