[Air-L] Free download: New special issue on "Migration and the Internet: Social networking and diasporas" in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Ulf-Dietrich Reips u.reips at ikerbasque.org
Thu Sep 13 15:08:57 PDT 2012

Dear colleague:
our new special issue has appeared!

Oiarzabal, P. J., & Reips, U.-D. (eds.) (2012). 
Migration and the Internet: Social networking and 
diasporas [Special issue]. Journal of Ethnic and 
Migration Studies, 38 (9). 

See table of content in the flyer available from 

Free download available for 30 days from the link 
in the flyer: http://tandfonline.com/r/cjms389 
The link expiry date is 31/12/12, so as long as 
you login/register for the access on or before 
the 31/12/12, you'll get your 30 days access.

Please distribute the flyer and link as widely as you like.


Prof. Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips
	Ikerbasque Research Professor     
	Director, iScience group
	Facultades de Ingenería y de Psicología y Educación
	Universidad de Deusto
	Avda. de las Universidades 24
   	48007 Bilbao, España


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