[Air-L] CALL FOR PAPERS: Collaborative Organizations and Social Media (COSM)

Dhiraj Murthy dmurthy at bowdoin.edu
Wed Sep 19 13:00:18 PDT 2012

Collaborative Organizations and Social Media 2013 (COSM2013)
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Friday, April 12 2013 @ Bowdoin College

Social media and social networking sites have become important objects of interdisciplinary study. “Collaborative Organizations and Social Media” (COSM) is a one-day symposium which will consider the ways in which developing scholarship might be incorporated into thinking critically about how social computing may be affecting and even forming organizations. The focus will be around exploring the use of social media in collaborative organizational structures. We invite participants to this inaugural conference. Details at: http://socialnetworks.bowdoin.edu/cosm2013/

The program features invited speakers Nicole Ellison (Michigan), George Ritzer (UMD), Peter Gloor (MIT), and Jennifer Earl (Arizona).

This conference will enable participants to present on their current research in this emerging field. The questions and areas the conference will address include, but are not limited to the following:
· How do we evaluate the utility of social computing technologies to virtual organizations?
· Do we treat social computing technologies as merely deterministic technologies?
· How do social media and social networking technologies shape organizational structures?
· Can social media and social networking enhance trust relationships within organizations?
· How do we identify and understand social media cyberinfrastructures within virtual teams?
· What can social network analysis tell us about how social media affects collaborative organizations?
· How does collaboration operate within organizational social media?
· What role do social media cyberinfrastructures play in creating and fostering face-to-face and virtual collaborative communities?
· What are the impacts of social media on traditionally underrepresented groups in organizations?
· What methods of visualization of social media-based organizational networks are effective?

COSM2013 seeks to tackle, in particular, the ways in which we can use the insights of multiple disciplines to answer these questions.

Dates and Location
The conference will be held April 12, 2013 on the campus of Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. The location is easily accessible from Boston as well as by air from Portland Airport [PWM].

We plan to curate some open submission panels as well as an invited panel and a keynote session on social media and collaborative organizations. The symposium will consist of invited talks from prominent researchers in the field, oral paper presentations of selected papers, and a poster session.

Papers of three types are invited:
· Reports of original research results
· Reviews of previous research in one or more fields relevant to symposium topics
· Position papers about research agendas for the field of social media based organizations

Some of the papers submitted will be invited for oral presentation, others for presentation as posters. Accepted papers will be indexed in Google Scholar and other prominent portals via our arXiv proceedings.

Papers may be up to 15 pages in length. The deadline for submission is November 7, 2013. Download the submission format at: http://www.easychair.org/publications/easychair.zip. Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair conference system at this address: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cosm2013

Important Dates
· Paper submission deadline: November 7, 2012
· Notification of paper acceptance / rejection: January 15 2013
· Camera-ready papers due: February 15, 2013
· Conference date: April 12, 2013

National Science Foundation
Social Network Innovation Lab
Bowdoin College

We encourage you to pass this information to others who may be interested. For a more complete description of the scope, please visit http://socialnetworks.bowdoin.edu/cosm2013/

We are hoping to be able to provide some limited travel support for graduate students in the Northeast. Please send an email to snil [at] bowdoin [dot] edu. to be considered for travel funds.

For any additional questions, please email snil [at] bowdoin [dot] edu

Dhiraj Murthy
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Director, Social Network Innovation Lab
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME 04011
207-721-5152 (o)
207-725-3023 (f)
dmurthy [at] bowdoin [dot] edu

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