[Air-L] Dean at College of Computing Sciences, NJIT (New York City area)

Michael Bieber bieber at njit.edu
Fri Sep 28 08:20:25 PDT 2012

Dean: College of Computing Sciences - New Jersey Institute of Technology

NJIT seeks applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the 
College of Computing Sciences (CCS).   Established in 2001, CCS 
comprises the Computer Science and Information Systems departments and 
an Information Technology program.   CCS enrolls 1500 majors including 
925 undergraduates, 600 masters and 60 doctoral students, taught by 35 
tenured/tenure track faculty and 18 full-time non-tenure track 
faculty.   CS and IS degree programs are ABET accredited.   US News & 
World Report's 2012 annual Guide to America's Best Colleges ranks NJIT 
among the nations top tier of national research universities.  NJIT is 
located in the greater New York City area, with strong industry ties and 
an orientation toward interdisciplinary research.

The Dean serves as the CEO of the College, with primary responsibility 
for enhancing its national leadership in computing education and 
research.  Candidates must possess an earned doctorate and a record of 
teaching, research, publication, and funding that merits appointment as 
a full professor with tenure in CCS.

For full consideration, material must be posted at njit.jobs 
<https://njit.jobs> by October 15, 2012. Please search postings for 
number 0601085.   NJIT is an equal opportunity employer.

Michael Bieber, Professor and Interim Chair, Information Systems
Email/MSN IM: bieber at njit.edu <mailto:bieber at njit.edu> Web: 
web.njit.edu/~bieber <http://web.njit.edu/%7Ebieber>
IM/Skype: profbieber (AIM/Google/Yahoo)
Phone: (973) 596-2681 FAX: (973) 596-2986 [email/IM preferred]
(Calendar link 

Information Systems Department - College of Computing Sciences - 
is.njit.edu <http://is.njit.edu>
New Jersey Institute of Technology
5500 Information Technology Center
University Heights, Newark, New Jersey 07102-1982 USA

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