[Air-L] Reading on piracy...

Morgan Leigh morgan at wirejunkie.com
Fri Sep 7 19:32:07 PDT 2012

"In the Beginning was the Command Line" by Neal Stephenson is the
seminal piece on this topic, even though its a bit dated now the basic
principles it outlines still apply. Also you might consider The Pirate's
Dilemma by Matt Mason and almost anything by Cory Doctorow, esp novel
Little Brother.  Or, if you want to get truly evangelical anything by
Richard Stallman.


Morgan Leigh
PhD Candidate
School of Sociology and Social Work
University of Tasmania

On 8/09/2012 6:33 AM, Burcu Bakioglu wrote:> Folks,
> I am looking for a reading on piracy to assign to my class this semester
> and I am infinitely conflicted. It is an introductory class. Last year I
> assigned sections of Lessig's Free Culture, this year I want to assign
> something else because I'll also be assigning Lessig's other work. Does
> anyone have any ideas/suggestions? Thank you in advance :)

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