[Air-L] CFP: Ada Lovelace Conference (18 October 2013, Stevens Inst. of Tech.)

rhammerm rhammerm at stevens.edu
Fri Apr 12 08:19:55 PDT 2013

Dear Colleagues:

Please consider this final round of our CFP post below for an upcoming 
interdisciplinary conference on the legacies and achievements of Ada 
Lovelace at Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, New Jersey).  If 
you are in the NYC metropolitan area please be reminded that Hoboken is 
a short train or car ride from there.  We invite you to share the CFP 
with colleagues and graduate students.  Feel free to direct any 
inquiries to my e-mail address: rhammerm at stevens.edu.  Thank you for 
your kind consideration.


Robin Hammerman
Ada Conference Organizer

Celebrating the Achievements and Legacies of Ada Lovelace
18 October 2013
Stevens Institute of Technology, College of Arts and Letters

An interdisciplinary conference celebrating the achievements and 
legacies of the poet Lord Byron's only known legitimate child, Ada Byron 
King, Countess of Lovelace (1815-1852), will take place at Stevens 
Institute of Technology (Hoboken, New Jersey) on 18 October 2013.  This 
conference will coincide with the week celebrating Ada Lovelace Day, a 
global event for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and 
Mathematics (STEM).  All aspects of the achievements and legacies of Ada 
Lovelace will be considered, including but not limited to:
-Lovelace as Translator and/or Collaborator
-Technology in the Long Nineteenth Century
-Women in Computing: Past/Present/Future
-Women in STEM
-Ada Lovelace and her Circle

-Please submit proposals or abstracts of 250-500 words by 14 May 2013 
to: Robin Hammerman (rhammerm at stevens.edu).
-Visit the conference website: http://www.stevens.edu/calconference

Dr. Robin S. Hammerman
Teaching Assistant Professor
College of Arts and Letters
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, New Jersey 07030

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