[Air-L] CFP: MOOCs, Flipping the Classroom, and Transformation of Higher Education: Building Bridges from the Academy (of Management) to the Academy
June Ahn
juneahn at umd.edu
Thu Apr 18 02:51:43 PDT 2013
*MOOCs, Flipping the Classroom, and Transformation of Higher Education:
**Building Bridges from the Academy (of Management) to the Academy *
Online and August 10, 2013
(prior to the Academy of Management Annual Meeting)
Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), FL USA//
/Call for Participation/
Recent innovations have generated considerable discussion about the
transformation of higher education. Massively open online courses
(MOOCs) run by entrepreneurial startups using social media to provide
educational experiences for thousands of students. Open courseware
repositories and learning platforms for "flipping the classroom", moving
exposition online and experiential, group activities into the classroom.
Market and social pressures driving traditional educational institutions
to simultaneously increase scale, reduce costs, and continually
innovate. Seemingly constant change, presents unknown consequences for
the work, practices, positions, and identity of faculty, staff, and
students. Waves of technological, pedagogical, and institutional
innovation are either fundamental transformations or distracting fads.
These forces affect us in many ways.As faculty, changes in higher
education directly affect our work, professional identity, and personal
well-being. As educators, new technologies and institutional
arrangements create new opportunities and constraints for working with
students. As leaders, changing competitive environments affect the
viability and health of our institutions and the choices we make about
regulatory structures, joint-ventures, personnel, and investments.
At the same time, researchers have studied exactly the kinds of issues
we are observing in higher education, but in other settings. Disruptive
technologies; implications and development of knowledge and information
repositories; institutional and inter-organizational competitive
dynamics; individual, group, organizational, and population learning;
the strengths and limitations of virtual teams; the dual nature of
structure and routines; tensions between immediate adaptation and
long-term viability; and the nature of work practices in
knowledge-intensive organizations. These are just a few areas in which
we have conducted research relevant for understanding and managing the
ongoing transformation of higher education.
Although there is an extensive body of relevant knowledge, collectively
we rarely make critical connections back to the ongoing discussions
about the nature and future of higher education. In spite of this,
discussions about higher education transformations are often based on
anecdotes, opinion, and isolated experience of commentators, activists,
and pundits --leaving faculty, students, administrators, and
policymakers even more confused about what they should expect and
prepare for in the future.
*A2A Workshop Objectives and Deliverables *
The purpose of the Academy (of Management) to Academy Workshop (A2A) is
to build connections between state-of-the-art management, organization
studies, and information systems research and the policy, institutional,
and professional discussions prompted by the ongoing transformation of
higher education. By making these connections more explicit we seek to:
·Help participants better understand and explain the trends affecting
their organizations
·Provide high-value entry points into the management research literature
for leaders grappling with organizational, institutional, and
technological changes in higher education
·Identify opportunities for advancing the study of institutional,
strategic, and technological change in knowledge-intensive environments
by highlighting issues in higher education that are not well addressed
by existing theory or empirical work
To achieve these objectives, the A2A Workshop will focus on the
development of a set of 1-2 page briefs that build strategic connections
between issues in higher education and current management, organization,
and information systems research. Each brief will consider a specific
issue or trend (e.g. the implications of online education for faculty
work-life balance; the strategic implications of MOOCs for state
universities; etc.); identify 3-4 published studies that provide
theoretical and empirical bases for understanding and addressing the
issue; and provide a short statement of how that work can be used to
understand, explain, and respond to the focal issue.
The completed briefs and a summary of directions for new research will
be made publically available through the website of the Center of the
Advanced Study of Communities and Information (CASCI)
<http://casci.umd.edu/> at the University of Maryland.Other publication
outlets (conference paper, journals, etc.) will be pursued based on the
interest workshop participants.
*Applying for and Participating in the A2A Workshop *
To apply for the A2A Workshop, prepare a short (1-2 page) position paper
describing a specific issue in higher education, why it is important,
and how management, organizational, and/or information systems
scholarship is relevant for that issue.For full consideration please
submit your position paper to the A2A co-coordinator by (Brian Butler)
at bsbutler at umd.edu by May 10th, 2013.
All applicants will be invited to participate in the A2A blog. This
blog/wiki will contain regular posts that highlight current issues in
higher education and relevant management research.
Selected applicants will be invited to join a ½ day Professional
Development Workshop (PDW) session on August 10^th from 8am -- 12pm
(prior to the Academy of Management Annual Meeting
<http://aom.org/annualmeeting/>).At this session we will work in groups
to refine the focal issue statements, select the relevant
theories/concepts/papers, collaboratively create initial drafts, and
engage in comment and on-the-spot revision of the briefs.
While the specific issues considered will emerge from the submitted
position papers and online discussions, possible topics include (but are
not limited to):
?Change management and leadership in academic centers and departments
?Mentoring at a distance
?Intrapreneurship and autonomy in publically funded institutions
?Virtual teams and organizations for research
?Design of learning management systems to support learning analytics
?Differential competitive dynamics in heterogeneous/homogeneous
organizational fields
?Disruptive technologies in public organizations
?Educational institutions as a site of knowledge work
?Practice theories of technology and innovation
?Organizational and community learning about MOOCs
?Team and individual performance and behavior in turbulent environments
?Learning analytics and continuous improvement
?Identity and innovation in small colleges
?Sociomateriality and educational institutions
?Dynamics of groups and communities in open learning environments
?Professional identity and "alternative" employment arrangements
?Bureaucracy, institutions, innovation and identity in state universities
For more information about the A2A Workshop please contact the A2A
Workshop Coordinators, Brian Butler (bsbutler at umd.edu
<mailto:bsbutler at umd.edu>), June Ahn (juneahn at umd.edu
<mailto:juneahn at umd.edu>), and Susan Winter (sjwinter at umd.edu
<mailto:sjwinter at umd.edu>) or check out the materials available at:
The Academy (of Management) to Academy Workshop is supported by the
Center of the Advanced Study of Communities and Information (CASCI)
<http://casci.umd.edu/>at the University of Maryland iSchool
June Ahn
Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
College of Information Studies and College of Education
juneahn at umd.edu
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