[Air-L] Publication venues for undergraduates?

Wasson, Christina cwasson at unt.edu
Fri Apr 26 09:30:00 PDT 2013

Dear list members,

Let me start by introducing myself - I am a linguistic anthropologist interested in how people use technology to mediate communication, collaboration, and community-building.  For more you can visit my website, below.

Here is my question:  I teach an upper-level undergraduate course on the "Anthropology of Virtual Communication" where students work on a semester-long research project, investigating the communicative practices of an online community.  Some of their research projects turn out really well.  Do you have suggestions for where they could publish their findings?  I would not say that their research is at the level of journals that faculty publish in, but I was wondering if there might journals for student publications.


Christina Wasson
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of North Texas

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