[Air-L] Final call for abstracts for Social Networking in Cyberspace conference (Wolverhampton, UK, 15th-16th July)
Fullwood, Chris
C.Fullwood at wlv.ac.uk
Mon Apr 8 04:38:39 PDT 2013
SNIC 2013/ Social Networking in Cyberspace conference 2013<http://www.wlv.ac.uk/default.aspx?page=31194>The CRUW<http://www.wlv.ac.uk/default.aspx?page=17672> research group (Cyberpsychology Research at the University of Wolverhampton) based in the Psychology department will be hosting the 2nd Social Networking in Cyberspace conference in July, 2013.
The conference will be a two-day event and will take place between Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th of July, 2013. The conference will be held on the main city campus of the University of Wolverhampton.
For conference updates follow us on Twitter<https://twitter.com/SNIC2013>
Call for Abstracts
We invite potential presenters (from academia and industry) to submit an abstract (no longer than 300 words) for peer-review. We welcome submissions from scholars (including postgraduates) in the social and behavioural sciences and media and information disciplines, regardless of theoretical orientation.
The deadline for submission of the abstract is Monday 15th of April, 2013.
A decision on this abstract will be made after the submission deadline and authors will be notified via email soon after. Poster presentations are also welcome. Conference themes
Although the conference theme encourages submissions relating to the social and communicative aspects of cyberspace, we welcome abstracts on a diverse range of topics relating to human interaction with the internet and emerging technology. The following themes are of particular interest:
* Social networking
* Blogging
* Individual differences in online behaviour
* Inequality issues in Internet use
* Cybertherapy and online health
* Gaming
* Security and privacy
* All aspects of cyberpsychologySubmissions by April 15th
Abstracts should be submitted to snic2013 at wlv.ac.uk<mailto:snic2013 at wlv.ac.uk>
Please include the names of all authors as well as your affiliations/institutions and a contact email address for the corresponding author with the abstract.
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