[Air-L] ANN: Big Data

Edd Dumbill edumbill at acm.org
Mon Apr 8 11:02:58 PDT 2013

Dear colleagues,

After lurking on this list a while, it seems to me that members may be
interested in the journal Big Data, recently launched, of which I am

The entirety of the first issue has been made freely available online at

Peer reviewed papers will be published open access, under CC BY license,
with no author fees. (Many thanks danah boyd for her assistance and
advocacy in ensuring this).

The journal aims to be integrative over the contributing fields to big
data, including data science, software, visualization, policy—and
accessible to both practitioners and researchers in the field, from
industry, academia and government. As such it aims for a modern feel, and
is pursuing an innovative business model in order to facilitate the OA

I welcome feedback and contribution from members of this list.

Submission details are available here:
Editorial board: http://www.liebertpub.com/editorialboard/big-data/611/


-- Edd Dumbill

Editor in Chief, Big Data
+1 (415) 692 1767 • http://about.me/edd

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