Кольцова Елена Юрьевна ekoltsova at hse.ru
Thu Apr 11 10:16:01 PDT 2013

International Summer School 2013 "Social Network Ananlysis: Internet Reseacrh"
Agusut 15-22, 2013, Higher School of Economics, St.Petersburg, Russia
Application deadline: May 15, 2013.
No tuition fee.


Anatoliy Gruzd<http://anatoliygruzd.com/> – Associate professor, Dalhousie University, Canada
Director of the Social Media Lab<http://socialmedialab.ca/> at the Faculty of Management;
Associate Professor, School of Information Management
Research Interests: SNA, social media & social networks, online communities, text mining

Ilan Talmud<http://soc.haifa.ac.il/~talmud/> – Professor, University of Haifa, Israel
Head of Economic Sociology Program at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Research Interests: economic sociology, inter-organizational networks, social network analysis, online networks

Benjamin Lind<http://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/34007547> - Assistant Professor, HSE Moscow.
Research interests: social movements, SNA, online networks

Alexander Hanna<http://alex-hanna.com/> - Researcher, U Wisconsin, Madison.
Research interests: SNA and text analysis, social movements, social media and Middle East

Olessia Koltsova<http://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/202747> - Associate Professor, HSE SPb.
Head of the Laboratory for Internet Studies
Research Interests: online network and text analysis, Internet, social media, online public opinion and online communities

Daniel Alexandrov<http://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/4132356> - Professor, HSE SPb
Head of the Sociology of Education and Science Laboratory
Research interests: SNA, school education, migration

Call for participation

We invite advanced students and young researchers interested in researching online communities through social network analysis to participate in the international summer course, “Social Network Analysis: Internet Research”. The course is organized by the Department of Sociology, the Laboratory for Internet Studies (LINIS<http://linis.hse.ru/>), and the Sociology of Education and Science Laboratory (SESL<http://slon.hse.ru/en>) of the National Research University - Higher School of Economics. English will serve as the course’s working language. The summer school will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia from August 15 to the 22, 2013.
This year will address how online communities can be empirically examined using social network analysis and network science. Connections between theory and application will be illustrated in conjunction with contemporary examples from internet-based social networks. The course will focus on research design, online data collection, processing, analysis, and visualization. The course will also review and compare the available software packages that are widely used to analyze online social networks, paying close attention to issues such as performance, user interface, and features.
The course has four components:
1.    Lectures that will provide background on the field and review both theory and methods;
2.    Hands-on computer laboratory sessions operating primarily within the R and Python environments. These labs will offer direct, technical skills in collecting, analyzing, and visualizing “big data” from internet sources;
3.    Seminars that will focus on discussing research articles;
4.    Student project presentations that include a discussion of the research. Participants will receive feedback from both their peers and the instructors.
We encourage students and young researchers with backgrounds in social science (e.g., sociology, anthropology, political science, economics), computer science, and informatics to apply.  We welcome both Russian and international applicants.
Requirements for participation:
o    English fluency.
o    Computer literacy and knowledge of online social networks.
o    An elementary understanding of social network analysis.
o    Applicants with related research experience will receive preference.
There is no registration fee. Attendance is limited to 25 participants. Participants who successfully complete all course requirements and pass a cumulative exam will be eligible to receive five ECTS.
Accommodation: 16 students may get hostel-type accommodation paid by the School  (to be distributed on first  come, first served basis). Out-of-country participants should get entry visa. Invitations for visa will be provided by the School. Contact e-mail: sna.school2013 at gmail.com<mailto:sna.school2013 at gmail.com>.
In order to apply please complete the online application form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UrS6bM9mInrzevlQCpADXT9YNLzIdXmeJuUvJKffWgs/viewform> along with brief description of your research project (200-400 words). Deadline for application:  May 15, 2013. Final decisions: May 31, 2013.

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