[Air-L] Communication Design Quarterly 1.3

Liza Potts lpotts at msu.edu
Fri Apr 12 11:20:28 PDT 2013


SIGDOC is please to announce that the latest issue of Communication Design Quarterly (CDQ) is now available: http://sigdoc.acm.org/april-cdq-released/

This issue features selections from the proceedings of the 2nd Annual Symposium on Communication Complex Information (SCCI) of which SIGDOC was a sponsor. Our other issues and conference proceedings feature a wide range of content from disciplines including user experience, rhetoric, internet studies, psychology, design, and computer science.

Our current issues available for download. Past issues are archived in the ACM Digital Library.

We hope you enjoy the issue. To learn more about CDQ and see our call for papers, visit us: http://sigdoc.acm.org/publications/

Liza Potts
Michael Albers
Co-Editors, CDQ
Liza Potts, Ph.D.
Michigan State University
Director of User Experience Projects, WIDE @ MATRIX
Assistant Professor
Department of Writing, Rhetoric, & American Cultures
434 Farm Lane (Bessey Hall)Room 291, East Lansing, MI 48824
Gtalk: LKPotts  |  AIM: LizaPotts  | Skype: LKPotts

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