[Air-L] :: SAME 2013 at C&T 2013/Munich: Information Management and Systems Supporting Sustainable Communities with Smart Media and Automated Systems ::
artur.lugmayr at tut.fi
artur.lugmayr at tut.fi
Mon Apr 15 18:36:46 PDT 2013
SAME 2013
6th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME 2013)
Defining the Research Agenda for
Information Management and Systems Supporting Sustainable
Communities with Smart Media and Automated Systems
29 June - 02 July 2013
in conjunction with C&T 2013
SAME 2013
Sustainability and sustainable urban environments are one of the goals of various research agendas
and initiatives as e.g. the Regions of Climate Actions (R20). SAME 2013 devotes to the challenge, how
information management and systems can support sustainable communities in their regional settings.
This workshop focuses on the development of a research agenda around the wider topic of how smart
media and automated systems can support the larger context of sustainability for communities with
the help of information systems, social web technologies, smart media, and automated systems. The
workshop defines a research agenda within this particular context, and especially devotes to the
investigation of opened research issues how ubiquitous and pervasive computation can be utilized to
create sustainable communities. Energy conservation and saving are one of the key-words SAME 2013
will devote its focus: sustainable cities ? sustainable community ? sustainable energy ? sustainable
culture supported by smart information systems, smart media, and fully automated systems. Smart
electronics and infrastructure will be one major component in creating a green city environment.
Within the scope of this workshop, the goal is to investigate smart technologies, policies, and projects
that are devoting to the issue of sustainable communities to create a better living experience.
The workshop aims at answering the following questions for applications, methods, techniques, and
installations that follow the no-screen, no-keyboard, and no-mouse device idea:
? Community requirements to create sustainability
? Regional requirements (e.g. development world) for sustainability
? Information systems and management supporting sustainability
? Solutions and applications supporting sustainable developments
? Community and social aspects creating sustainable values
? Smart energy, smart grid, and smart consumer solutions
? Smart technologies and information systems supporting sustainable cities
? Sustainable presentation of information and learning experience
? Projects, policies, and regulations exist to support sustainability with smart media
? Which algorithms and methods exist to gain knowledge about energy and sustainability
? Collaborative or audience participatory content support sustainability
? Training communities to support sustainable smart media
? Storytelling and art that supporting sustainability
? Community projects creating sustainable smart environments
? Strategies for business value for smart sustainable environments
? Experience design, prototyping, and business models in the context of sustainable communities
The following (and related) topics are within the scope of this workshop and shall act as examples:
? Creation of sustainable communities
? Ubiquitous computation for sustainable environments
? Methods and tools to develop smart sustainable environments
? Intelligent environments creating community value
? Business models, value-creation, and opportunities
? Social web approaches supporting sustainability
? Semantics, and intelligence of ambient media creating sustainability
? Energy saving through smart electronics
? Innovations in finance, technologies, and policies
? Lower cost clean energy through smart technologies
? Sustainable community projects
? Smart media for sustainability
We are also aiming at multidisciplinary, highly future oriented submissions that help to develop the
ambient media form for entertainment services, such as:
? Case-studies (successful, and especially unsuccessful ones)
? Oral presentation of fresh and innovative ideas
? Artistic installations and running system prototypes
? User-experience studies and evaluations
? Technological novelties, evaluations, and solutions
* 300 word Position papers should be submitted as word
document at: http://www.tut.fi/emmi/Submissions/2013SAME/
* In addition, each submission should contain: title, list of authors, abstract, list of 3 potential
own research contributions and a brief description, list of 5 research questions including a brief
description, and a brief literature review of the 5 most significant publications contributing to
the thematic, and a free form body text describing the own view in 300 words
* Final submissions are expected to be 5-10 pages papers according the paper format of C&T
available at http://www.ct2013.cnss.de/cfp/
* Please submit your paper at our paper submission system:
* Each contribution will be double blind reviewed and the top 10 paper will be selected
depending on the review results
* Best contributions will be compiled to a special issue following up the workshop - we aim at
Springer MTAP after reviewing the quality of contributions
* The workshop will be held according the method ?Design Thinking?, which has been
traditionally applied in the SAME series context
Submission deadlines (deadlines for this workshop are strictly observed!):
* 6th May 2013: Deadline for Position Paper Submissions
* 25th May 2013: Notification of Accepted Workshop Position Papers
* 15th June 2013: Camera Ready Accepted Workshop Papers Due
* 29th June 2013: Workshop day
Pervious Workshops on Semantic Ambient Media Experience:
? 1st International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences held in conjunction with
ACM Multimedia 2008, (Vancouver, Canada),
? 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences held in conjunction with
AmI-09, (Salzburg, Austria), http://webhotel2.tut.fi/emmi/forum/node/55
? 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences held in conjunction with
AmI-10, (Malaga, Spain), http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/node/56
? 4rd International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences held in conjunction with
5th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Brisbane, Australia,
? 5th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experience held in conjunction with
Pervasive 2012
For each held workshop, a special issue has been created with Springer-Verlag Multimedia Tools &
Applications. The workshop shall gather people from industry and academia to develop the vision of
ambient media as new form of smart media.
? Artur Lugmayr, Tampere University of Technology (TUT) & lugYmedia Inc., FINLAND
? Estefan?a Serral Asensio, Technical University Wien (TUW), AUSTRIA
? Bjoern Stockleben, Univ. of Applied Sciences Magdeburg, GERMANY
? Thomas Risse, L3S Research Center, GERMANY
? Bogdan Pogorelc, Jozef Stefan Institute & Spica International d.o.o., SLOVENIA
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