[Air-L] ECSCW 2013 Workshops and Master Classes Program, Paphos, Cyprus, September 21-22, 2013

Matthias Korn mkorn at cs.au.dk
Wed Apr 24 00:03:16 PDT 2013

::: ECSCW 2013 ::: Call for Workshop submissions and Master Class applications

The 13th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2013)
Paphos, Cyprus, September 21-25, 2013.

Workshops and Master Classes will be held on Saturday 21 - Sunday 22 September.

Workshops submission deadline: June 28, 2013

It is our pleasure to announce the ECSCW 2013 pre-conference program.
ECSCW 2013 will feature 9 workshops and 1 master class covering a wide range of 
topics and formats.

A list of the accepted workshops is appended to this email.
The full details of the program are available on the ECSCW 2013 web site: 

We are looking forward to seeing you at ECSCW and to participating in the 
exciting program that we were able to put together for ECSCW 2013.

Matthias Korn
Pär-Ola Zander
ECSCW 2013 Workshops and Master Classes Co-Chairs

MC1: Half-Day Master Class: Co-producing assisted living technologies and 
Rob Procter, Joe Wherton, Trish Greenhalgh, Paul Sugarhood, Mark Rouncefield, 
Guy Dewsbury

In this master class, we develop and expand on themes concerning the challenges 
of understanding the assisted living needs of older people in domestic 
settings, and methods for involving them and their carers in the co-production 
of assisted living technologies and services. It has the overall objective of 
developing an understanding and appreciation of the benefits and the various 
practical issues involved in facilitating a ‘bricolage’ approach to the 
dependable co-production of assisted living technologies.

Website: http://www.atheneproject.org

WS1: Participatory Publics: Civic technology and local communities
Olav W. Bertelsen, Susanne Bødker, Martin Brynskov, Christopher A. Le Dantec, 
Anne Marie Kanstrup, Volkmar Pipek

New forms of community technologies are focused on supporting local, 
geographically connected communities directly through neighborhoods and civic 
activity. The workshop will address the following questions: What constitutes 
participation in community settings and how is it supported/augmented through 
IT? How do we understand the relationships between participation, community and 
technology in these (emerging) settings? It will be based on examples of 
technology supported participatory publics brought to the workshop by 

Website: http://pit.au.dk/ws1_ecscw2013

WS2: CSCW at the Boundary of Work and Life
Luigina Ciolfi, Gabriela Avram, Erik Grönvall, Chiara Rossitto, Louise Barkhuus

This workshop will explore how CSCW themes, concepts and sensibilities can be 
extended and applied to practices blurring the boundary between work and life. 
Technology has moved from workplaces to become part of nearly every aspect of 
everyday life. Similarly, CSCW research spans not only work settings and 
practices, but also other life domains, from family life, to gaming, tourism 
and other leisure activities. However, the neat distinction between which 
activities are work-related and which are not is becoming less and less 
meaningful as often the spheres of work and life blur into each other. 
Similarly, the use of technology is not limited to specific work vs. non-work 
situations. This workshop will discuss how to look at this blurring of 
practices, spheres of life and expectations: is it a problematic issue that 
should be addressed, or a new way of working and living that people are 
increasingly embracing? How do people coordinate and interact when work tasks, 
personal tasks and leisure tasks blur into each other, and how to 
support/facilitate/mediate this through design?

Website: http://cscwworkandlife.wordpress.com/

WS3: MoRoCo – Models and their Role in Collaboration
Alexander Nolte, Michael Prilla, Peter Rittgen, Stefan Oppl

Using visual representations (models) of work or business processes can be 
considered a common practice in modern organizations. They are used to document 
current practices, to inform people about processes and to plan change or 
software development. As they include and affect multiple stakeholders, it has 
been found reasonable to develop and use them collaboratively to negotiate or 
coordinate work practice. In practice, however, models are seldom used or 
developed collaboratively, resulting in low impact of models and stakeholders 
in them on organizational development and change. Given the potential of 
collaborative work on models, we need a better understanding on how they can be 
developed and used collaboratively in order to leverage their role as artifacts 
of collaborative work in practice. The MoRoCo 2013 workshop focuses thus on 
collaborative work with and development of models. It aims at build a big 
picture of research on the role that models play in collaborative work in order 
to set up a common research agenda among participating researchers and 
practitioners alike.
The workshop is a follow up to the workshop on "Collaborative usage and 
development of models and visualization" held at ECSCW 2011 (proceedings are 
available online at 
http://ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-777/), which 
resulted in a special issue of the International Journal for eCollaboration 
(2013, in press). For this workshop the organizers are planning a similar 
course of events.

Website: http://moroco2013.wordpress.com

WS4: Francophone Ergonomics and CSCW – a comparative analysis
Françoise Darses, Pascal Salembier, Kjeld Schmidt, Ina Wagner

The Francophone tradition of work analysis, with its rich repertoire of field 
studies, various forms of analysis, and conceptual frameworks, provides a very 
interesting perspective on forms of work activity. Although this perspective 
has been present for many years in ECSCW conferences and in the CSCW Journal, 
it has remained relatively isolated from the mainstream discussion within CSCW. 
The objective of the proposed workshop is to start an in-depth discussion of 
Francophone ergonomics and its conceptual and methodological contributions to 
CSCW research.

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/workshopcscwfrancoergo/home

WS5: Designing Mobile Face-to-Face Group Interactions
Joel Fischer, Stuart Reeves, Steve Benford, Chris Greenhalgh

This workshop is concerned with understanding the nature of face-to-face group 
interactions in mobile, but collocated settings. It seeks to examine 
group-sensitive design examples, concepts and techniques, research methods and 
approaches to study group activities, and to learn how these social activities 
might be respected and supported by design. We aim to bring together 
researchers interested in the social organisation of face-to-face interaction, 
and designers of collaborative groupware and mobile, interactive experiences to 
explore opportunities and challenges for the design and study of experiences, 
apps and systems that support, augment or enable collocated activities.

Website: http://groupinteractions.wordpress.com/

WS6: Web2Touch (W2T’13): Coping with the evolution and security of shared Web 
Rodrigo Bonacin, Mariagrazia Fugini, Olga Nabuco, Cédric Pruski

Collaboration using the Web introduces special challenges when content needs to 
be consistent and reliable over time and under rapid evolution of contents 
resulting from collaboration activities. The development of collaborative 
Web-based environments is an open issue particularly on the topics of 
organization and management of shared information in a reliable and secure 
manner. Semantic Web techniques have been extensively used to address problems 
of knowledge management and sharing over the Web during the highly dynamic life 
of cooperative applications. The focus till now has been mainly on static 
knowledge organization; however the next generation of semantic techniques will 
have to face evolving knowledge organization and will need to cope with 
security, trust, reliability of what is exchanged in the Web. The goal of the 
W2T workshop is to provide a venue for researchers and practitioners within the 
field of secure and knowledge-intensive Web collaboration using semantic 
techniques to share experiences, discuss challenges and opportunities to cope 
with frequent evolution of knowledge during cooperative processes based on the 
Web as a collaborative platform. W2T focuses also on security of highly 
evolutive knowledge during collaborative processes. W2T brings together 
applications, conceptual models and methods to provide a multidisciplinary view 
of the application of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) and of security 
techniques in the CSCW field.

Website: http://www.cti.gov.br/web2touch2013

WS7: EC-TEL meets ECSCW - Workshop on Collaborative Technologies for Working 
and Learning
Monica Divitini, Tobias Ley, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Viktoria Pammer, Michael 

This workshop explores the potential of collaborative technologies that are 
embedded in workplaces and practices, and which contribute to and help to scale 
learning on the individual, group or organisational levels. This includes 
particularly learning in informal, dynamic and naturalistic settings where 
learning often is a by-product of work. With this workshop, we intend to bring 
together the European communities of technology-enhanced learning, which meets 
at EC-TEL 2013 – The European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, and 
of computer-supported cooperative work, which meets at ECSCW 2013 – The 
European Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work.

Website: http://know-center.tugraz.at/ectel-meets-ecscw-2013/

WS8: Designing with Users for Domestic Environments: Methods - Challenges - 
Lessons Learned
Corinna Ogonowski, Benedikt Ley, David Randall, Mu Mu, Nicholas Race, Mark 

When developing new ICT systems and applications for domestic environments rich 
qualitative approaches improve the understanding of the users integral usage of 
technology in their daily routines and provide methods for long-term user 
involvement to inform the design process. However, this kind of research has to 
deal with methodological, technical and organisational challenges for the study 
design and its underlying cooperation processes. The workshop wishes to 
identify practical challenges of long-term user involvement, discuss best 
practice and develop a roadmap for sustainable relationships for design with 

Website: https://socialmedia-community.de/ecscw13_ws/

WS9: Backchannels and live participation tools: Current state and next steps 
Matti Nelimarkka, Anders Mørch, Kai Kuikkaniemi, Marcus Specht, Teemu Leinonen,

Participation tools, such as audience response systems, Twitter-walls or 
custom- tailored software systems, are used to enhance lectures, meetings and 
conferences. The principal idea behind these tools is to give voice and engage 
the audience e.g. in information sharing, summarization, and multiple points of 
views. Previous studies in this domain include case descriptions and studies, 
where the use of participation tools have been described and analyzed, using 
various methods and theoretical positions. The aim of this workshop is to 
gather this diverse research domain, from scholars specialized in learning 
sciences to human-computer interaction researchers, for one day to examine this 
multidisciplinary phenomenon.

Website: (tba)

Matthias Korn, PhD (cand.), Postdoc
Center for Participatory IT and
Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University
Phone: +45 871 56157	Mobile: +45 6172 6248
Office: Ada-126			Mail: mkorn at cs.au.dk
Twitter: @matsch_o0		Web: http://cs.au.dk/~mkorn/

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