[Air-L] Contents of Vol. 11, No. 1 of International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET, an EI journal)

Maiga Chang maiga at ms2.hinet.net
Fri Apr 12 11:15:14 PDT 2013

[Apologies if you receive multiple times, please circulate this to
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[This email includes the table of contents of Vol. 11, No. 1 of
 International Journal of Distance Education Technologies
 (IJDET, an EI journal) and the general call for papers of IJDET]

------- Annoucement of the publication of Vol. 11, No. 1 of IJDET (an EI journal)-----------

We are glad to announce the publication of Vol. 11, No. 1 of International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET, an EI
journal). In this issue, FIVE papers are included:

TSI-Enhanced Pedagogical Agents to Engage Learners in Virtual Worlds (pages 1-13)
Steve Leung, Sandeep Virwaney, Fuhua Lin, AJ Armstrong, and Adien Dubbelboer
Building pedagogical applications in virtual worlds is a multi-disciplinary endeavor that involves learning theories, application
development framework, and mediated communication theories. This paper presents a project that integrates game-based learning,
multi-agent system architecture (MAS), and the theory of Transformed Social Interaction (TSI), the project implements a group of
engaging, affectionate and effective pedagogical agents equipped with abilities of self-repsentation, emotional states reasoning and
situational awareness. A prototype of a virtual quiz show, QuizMASter, has been implemented to realize these abilities, and will be
used to test for the effectiveness of the approach.

PACALL: Supporting Language Learning Using SenseCam (pages 14-30)
Bin Hou, Hiroaki Ogata, Toma Kunita, Mengmeng Li, and Noriko Uosaki
The authors' research defines a ubiquitous learning log (ULLO) as a digital record of what a learner has learned in the daily life
using ubiquitous technologies. In their previous works, the authors proposed a model named LORE (Log – Organize – Recall –
Evaluate) to describe the learning process of ULLO and developed a system named SCROLL to implement this model. This paper focuses
on Log among 4 factors in LORE and proposed a passive way to log ULLOs. They use SenseCam to capture a learner's learning
activities and propose a system named PACALL to support reflection of what s/he has seen. This system filters bad photos that taken
by SenseCam and helps learner find learning content. The author use this system in language learning and help learners learn the
foreign name of objects around.

Research Trends with Cross Tabulation Search Engine (pages 31-44)
Chengjiu Yin, Sachio Hirokawa, Jane Yin-Kim Yau, Kiyota Hashimoto, Yoshiyuki Tabata, and Tetsuya Nakatoh
To help researchers in building a knowledge foundation of their research fields which could be a time-consuming process, the authors
have developed a Cross Tabulation Search Engine (CTSE). Its purpose is to assist researchers in 1) conducting research surveys, 2)
efficiently and effectively retrieving information (such as important researchers, research groups, keywords), and also 3) providing
analytical information relating to past and current research trends in a particular field. Their CTSE system employs data-processing
technologies and emphasizes the use of a "Learn by Searching" learning strategy to support students to analyze such research
trends. To show the effectiveness of CTSE, a pilot experiment has been conducted, where participants were assigned to do research
survey tasks and then answer a questionnaire regarding the effectiveness and usability of the system. The results showed that the
system has been helpful to students in conducting research surveys, and the research trend transitions that our system presented
were effective for producing research trend surveys. Moreover, the results showed that most students had favorable attitudes toward
the usage and usability of the system, and those students were satisfied in gaining more know ledge in a particular research field
in a short period.

Design and Implementation of an Online Auxiliary System for Correcting Japanese Composition  (pages 45-57)
Yuqin Liu, Guohai Jiang, Lanling Han, and Mingxing Lin
In language learning, error correction information given by teachers for student compositions is of great value in both teaching and
learning. However, in traditional paper-based error correction mode, error correction information is easily lost and cannot be fed
back to students systematically. The aim of this research is to provide maximum feedback related to systematic correction for
students and teachers so that there can be targeted learning and teaching. This paper describes a web-based auxiliary error
correcting system for Japanese writing that compares compositions before and after error correction and provides statistics related
to error type, error frequency, and error variation. The system was evaluated in the Dalian University of Technology and the
experiment proved that teachers and students benefit from this system.

Technical Feasibility of a Mobile Context-Aware (Social) Learning Schedule Framework (pages 58-73)
Jane Y. K. Yau, and Mike Joy
The purpose of this paper is to show the technical feasibility of implementing their mobile context-aware learning schedule (mCALS)
framework as a software application on a mobile device using current technologies, prior to its actual implementation. This process
draws a set of compatible mobile and context-aware technologies at present and can be used as a reference point for implementing
generic mobile context-aware applications. The authors' mCALS framework retrieves the learner's location and available time
contexts via the built-in learning schedule (i.e., electronic organizer) on a mobile device. These contexts together with the
learner's learning styles and knowledge level (on a selected topic) are used as the basis for the software application to suggest
learning materials that are appropriate for the learner, at the time of usage. This retrieval approach eliminates the use of
context-aware technologies and the need to directly request the user to enter context information at the time of usage. The authors
develop a fully functional prototype of this framework for learners to plan their individual as well as social learning activities
amongst one another to make their individual learning processes collaborative and as a way to enhance individual and social learning

------- General Call for Papers for IJDET (an EI journal)-----------
The electronic version of this cfp can be seen at

International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET)

The International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) is
a forum for researchers and practitioners to disseminate practical solutions
to the automation of open and distance learning. Targeted to academic
researchers and engineers who work with distance learning programs and
software systems, as well as general users of distance education technologies
and methods, IJDET discusses computational methods, algorithms,
implemented prototype systems, and applications of open and distance learning.
All manuscripts submitted to the journal are peer-reviewed according to
the procedure consisting of initial review, peer review, and recommendation

Editor in Chief:
Dr. Fuhua Lin (fuhua.o.lin at gmail.com)

Executive Editor:
Dr. Maiga Chang (maiga.chang at gmail.com)

Compendex (Elsevier EI), DBLP, EBSCOhost, ERIC, Google Scholar,
INSPEC, PsycINFOR, SCOPUS, and many others

Suggested topics:
IJDET is an EI journal and the scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to:
- Assessment
- Distance Learning for Culture and Arts
- Intelligent and Adaptive Learning
- Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Mobile Learning
- Nurse Medical Healthcare
- Pedagogical Issues
- Social Learning
- Serious Games for Distance Education
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- Ubiquitous Learning
- Virtual Worlds for Distance Education

Manuscript guidelines:
All submissions have to follow IJDET manuscript guidelines at
should be submitted online at http://www.ijdet.com/ after registering an account.

Special Issue proposals:
We also encourage potential research in any fields related to the journal
to form a high quality guest editorial team to submit special issue proposal
online, for any emerging, important, and hot topics. Please submit your
special issue proposal online as a manuscript and choose
"[Special Issue Proposal]" as its Section

The special issue proposal sample can be downloaded at

For queries, please contact Dr. Maiga Chang (maiga.chang at gmail.com)


Maiga Chang
maiga.chang at gmail.com
04, 12 '13 PM 12:05 in Edmonton

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Technology for Education and Learning
Executive Editor, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (EI)
Associate Editor, International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design

Learning Culture and Language through ICTs: Methods for Enhanced Instruction

Co-Chair of ICCE sub-conference on Digital Game and Digital Toy
Enhanced Learning and Society (GTEL&S)

Co-Chair of GCCCE sub-conference on Joyful Learning and Society

Guest Editor, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
Special Issue on Practical Applications of Mobile and Internet Educational Games

Guest Editor, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (SSCI)
Special Issue on Technology Enhanced Information Retrieval and Processing for Online Learning (Vol. 13, No. 5)

Guest Associate Editor, IEEE Technology and Engineering Education
Special Issue on Cloud Computing Technology and Applications (Vol. 7, No. 2)

School of Computing and Information Systems (http://scis.athabascau.ca/)
Athabasca University

1200, 10011-109 Street
Edmonton, T5J-3S8
AB, Canada

Phone: +1-866-916-8646
Website: http://maiga.dnsalias.org and http://maiga.athabascau.ca
CV: http://scis.athabascau.ca/scis/staff/faculty.jsp?id=maigac

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