[Air-L] Job opportunity at the University of Amsterdam: PhD candidate for the research project ‘Complex contention’

J.L. Uitermark uitermark at fsw.eur.nl
Fri Aug 30 06:24:42 PDT 2013


Project description

Recent years have seen massive protests around the world, ranging from the revolutions in the Middle East and the Spanish indignados movement to the global Occupy protests and the revolts in Turkey. These mobilizations have in common that they diffused with unprecedented speed in both urban and online environments. The “complex contention” research project aims to develop an approach to map and explain these waves of contention.

The research project builds upon a work on urban politics and social movements by Justus Uitermark and Walter Nicholls. Theoretically, the project aims to combine insights from relational sociology with complexity theory. Methodologically, the project aims to combine the quantitative examination of online and offline social networks with ethnography in urban settings. The successful candidate will develop the study’s research design in more detail in dialogue with the supervisors but is expected to especially focus on quantitative network analysis.

The PhD researcher will be based at the AISSR, which offers a stimulating intellectual environment across several social science disciplines. In the first year, the PhD student will participate in courses and meet with supervisors and other faculty members to develop a detailed research proposal. In the second and third year, the PhD-student will conduct and report on the research and complete the PhD-thesis.


  *   Conduct quantitative analyses of social movements’ social networks and diffusion processes, using data from social media;
  *   conduct focused ethnographic field research;
  *   10% teaching;
  *   collaborate with supervisors and peers on research and publications on complex contention;
  *   write a PhD thesis;
  *   participate in the AISSR PhD program;
  *   participate in conferences, workshops, seminars and other scholarly activities.

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