[Air-L] articles, references on moving across the digital/physical realms?

Baker, Andrea bakera at ohio.edu
Fri Feb 8 07:44:52 PST 2013

Hi, everyone,
For a piece I'm preparing on interaction back and forth between online and offline
or from digital to physical worlds and back, I'm looking for references about
how that works for people, especially those who are members of online communities.

More than particular data to show this communication in process, although that is good too, I want to conceptualize the
movement, the "flow" from one realm to another, to describe what is happening.  Also,
how does the online communication, including that through mobile phones, affect the
offline interaction, and how do the offline encounters affect what goes on inside
the online communities and in other social media containing some of the same people interacting offline. This project is part of my music fan research
on fan communities, identities, and relationships.

I'm already aware of the articles in the first issue of Mobile Media and Communication (January, 2013), and of Lauren Sessions-Goulet's excellent
paper of a few years back on offline meetings and online communities, and have a few other helpful sources.  I've done
a body of work on romantic online relationships so I understand many of the dynamics there.

Please feel free to write off list or on.  Thanks so much in advance!
andee (andrea baker)

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