[Air-L] Call for Papers: 1st International IFIP Working Conference on Value-Driven Social Semantics & Collective Intelligence (VaSCo)

John Breslin john.breslin at nuigalway.ie
Sat Feb 23 02:47:06 PST 2013

1st International IFIP Working Conference on Value-Driven Social Semantics &
Collective Intelligence (VaSCo)
on May 1, 2013 at ACM Web Science 2013
co-located with Hypertext 2013, CHI 2013, ECRC 2013



* Pieter De Leenheer, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands & Collibra
NV, Belgium (IFIP WG 12.7 chair)
* John Breslin, DERI, National University of Galway, Ireland (IFIP WG 12.7
* Harith Alani, The Open University, UK
* Ricard Ruiz de Querol, Arquetip Lab, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya,
* Karolin Kappler, Department of Sociology II / Diagnosis of the Present,
FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany 


* Wolfgang Nejdl (tentative)

Goals and Motivation

The IFIP Working Group 12.7 on Social Semantics and Collective Intelligence
introduces this workshop to reach out to the broader scientific community.

The key goal of this workshop is to establish a multidisciplinary forum that
searches for and studies the theoretical foundations, new paradigms,
methodologies, technologies, and practical applications that will bring us
to a more explicit and meaningful understanding of collective intelligence
and social (networking) semantics on the largely tacit Value Web.

In other words: how do knowledge- and social-connectivity on the Web
contribute to (social/business) value co-creation and the other way around;
and how can we use this knowledge to discover new ways of value co-creation?
Secondly, it aims to investigate and promote the applications of such
systems in science, industry, and society at large, including opportunities
for standardization.

Why the topic is of particular interest at this time

This workshop narrows the study of Web Science down by focusing on the role
of Web relationships as a catalyst for innovation, i.e., a Value Web. This
brings us to the central problem statement of this workshop: How can
organisations or people (transform so they can) harness the Web to
collectively produce value?

The search for the answer starts from a number of commonly accepted
1. It was not through careful top-down planning, but rather through the
evolution of a set of elementary Internet technologies designed for
decentralised use, that the ³Socio-Semantic² Web emerged with such a
dramatic level of complexity and scale, in less than two decades (see
Zittrain¹s generativity principle).
2. Services are becoming the dominant unit of value-creation strategy,
management, and operation:
> 1. From a marketing logic point of view, this brings along a shift from
> transaction-based to relationship-based customer interaction featuring rich
> service-in-use sentiment and valuation.
> 2. From a business innovation and management strategy perspective, enterprises
> seek a network-centric strategy that focus on collective innovation of
> services and platforms.
> 3. From an IT perspective, service-orientation is a promising paradigm to
> functionally decompose inward-oriented organisational processes into
> outward-oriented business service components.
3. The evolution of Web Relationships exhibit non-linear patterns as
Understanding the collective intelligence and social semantics of the ³Value
Web² start from these three premises because they are the product of the
Socio-Semantic Web, Service Science, and Web Science so far. The goal and
premises of the workshop will be studied from different perspectives,
including computer science, marketing, innovation management and strategy,
social sciences.

Topics of interest

Topics include, but are not limited to:
* theory, formal models, e.g. ontologies, and emerging new paradigms of
organized and informal value-creating communities and their collaborative
* semantics of data and knowledge about value objects - inherent to Web
relationships - that would lead them to gravitate towards unanticipated
value propositions on the Value Web.
* auto-emergence of social semantics; harvesting and mining collective
intelligence from community interactions;
* social network effects and collective intelligence
* emergent establishment of relationships to collectively produce value
propositions such as products or services, common sense knowledge, or
socio-political fora
* to make explicit the engineering and prototyping of supporting
knowledge-based systems for collective intelligence;
* collective intelligence in linked data; evolution and quality assurance of
such linked data; 
* the interaction of formal semantics with informal social semantics; social
web interoperability issues; modeling of situational awareness; hybrid
socio-technical systems;
* identity and authentication of entities and services on the Value Web;
related issues of trust, privacy and security;
* implementation and exploitation of social semantics as web services;
self-organizing services tailored to communities; methodologies for adoption
of such services; 
* scalability issues for web-sized collective intelligence;
* ³paid² crowds as a type of community where reciprocity is based on money;
* Decision support to reason about value and relationships in value networks
* Profiling social hackers
* Collective intelligence as viewed from the social sciences perspective
* Social innovation for the development of collective intelligence

Important Dates

* Paper Submission Deadline: March 23, 2013
* Acceptance Notification: April 1, 2013
* Camera Ready Due: April 7, 2013
* Author Registration Due: April 3, 2013
* Workshop: May 1, 2013

Submission Guidelines

Submission URL is: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ifipvasco2013

Contact Email is ifipvasco2013 at easychair.org

Papers submitted to VASCO'13 must not have been accepted for publication or
be under review for another workshop or conference. All submitted papers
will be evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness,
and clarity of expression. All papers will be refereed by at least 3 members
of the PC. All submissions must be in English. We solicit short papers
describing (i) new ideas (5-8 pages) and (ii) longer papers presenting more
tangible results (max. 18 pages). 

Accepted papers will be published in printed IFIP/Springer AICT
series: http://www.springer.com/series/6102, and on the IFIP digital

Programme Committee

Harith Alani
John Breslin
Paul Buitelaar
Jorge Cardoso
Edward Curry
Maciej Dabrowski
Victor de Boer
Pieter De Leenheer
Christophe Debruyne
Anna Fensel
Maria Ganzha
Karolin Kappler
Robert Meersman
Tope Omitola
Hemant Purohit
Bahareh Heravi
Matthew Rowe
Ricard Ruiz De Querol
Owen Sacco
Jodi Schneider
Valerie Shalin
Umair Ul Hassan
George Vouros

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