[Air-L] . Research on Skype

Janet Salmons, Ph.D. jesalmons at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 11:45:06 PST 2013


You said: "I am especially interested in if there is there something
qualitatively different about the "real-time" video communication
offered by Skype - hearing, and seeing the lived flesh of the "real"
person and space on the screen - rather than just written, text and
phone communication, that is changing everyday familial geographies
and relationships?"

I wanted to draw your attention to my work about online interview
research using real-time technologies, including
Skype/videoconferencing/video calls as well as multi-channel web
conferencing tools that allow for both face-to-face exchange and
shared whiteboards for other kinds of visual exchange (i.e. generating
drawings or diagramming images of research phenomena, viewing images
or media, etc.). I've been looking at those questions about how
different platforms allow for not only different kinds of exchange but
also different kinds of data. Online Interviews in Real Time, from
Sage, may be of interest to you. (It is know an e-book on Amazon as

This sounds like a very interesting project, and I would love to hear
more about it-- feel free to contact me off-list.


Janet Salmons Ph.D.
Capella University School of Business and Vision2Lead, Inc.
Site- http://www.vision2lead.com
Follow Twitter at #einterview
Now available on Kindle! Online Interviews in Real Time and Cases in
Online Interview Research
PO Box 943
Boulder, CO 80306-0943
jsalmons at vision2lead.com

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