[Air-L] articles, references on moving across the digital/physical realms?

Stacy Blasiola sblasi2 at uic.edu
Fri Feb 8 11:48:02 PST 2013

I think this speaks to what you're looking for:

Baym, N.K., & Ledbetter, A. (2009). Tunes that Bind? Information,
Communication &
Society, 12(3), 408-427.


On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 9:44 AM, Baker, Andrea <bakera at ohio.edu> wrote:
> Hi, everyone,
> For a piece I'm preparing on interaction back and forth between online and offline
> or from digital to physical worlds and back, I'm looking for references about
> how that works for people, especially those who are members of online communities.
> More than particular data to show this communication in process, although that is good too, I want to conceptualize the
> movement, the "flow" from one realm to another, to describe what is happening.  Also,
> how does the online communication, including that through mobile phones, affect the
> offline interaction, and how do the offline encounters affect what goes on inside
> the online communities and in other social media containing some of the same people interacting offline. This project is part of my music fan research
> on fan communities, identities, and relationships.
> I'm already aware of the articles in the first issue of Mobile Media and Communication (January, 2013), and of Lauren Sessions-Goulet's excellent
> paper of a few years back on offline meetings and online communities, and have a few other helpful sources.  I've done
> a body of work on romantic online relationships so I understand many of the dynamics there.
> Please feel free to write off list or on.  Thanks so much in advance!
> cheers,
> andee (andrea baker)
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