[Air-L] physical/digital worlds

Natalya Godbold ngodbold at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 16:33:02 PST 2013

You might find this useful?
Orgad, S. (2009). Question Two: How can researchers make sense of the
issues involved in collecting and interpreting online and offline data?
Internet inquiry : conversations about method. A. N. Markham and N. K.
Baym. Los Angeles, Sage Publications: 33-53.

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 10:54 AM, Baker, Andrea <bakera at ohio.edu> wrote:

> Hi, everyone,
> Thanks so much for all your help, from those of you commenting both here
> in the list and off of it.
> Yes, Barry, it was Nathan Jurgenson's work that first inspired me to carry
> on with my current project, sorry I didn't mention knowing about it.  I
> also consulted with him initially, well before posting my inquiry.   Nathan
> and PJ Rey are running their third Theorizing the Web conference, this year
> in NYC.
> Of course, much work has dealt with the issue some, including mine on
> relationships, identities and communities, and thanks for your own
> important list of contributions, your references.  Thankfully there is now
> such a wealth of writing and research available.  However, some of us think
> we still have a way to go in, to use your words, "flesh"-ing out dimensions
> of the processes.  There's really still much more to say about it at this
> time, imo.  Most these days seem to not only accept that online/mobile/cmc
> interaction is real but that it is less discrete from other activities than
> many of us early internet researchers and private citizens had originally
> conceived, and experienced back then.
> Anyone else who has specific references, please feel free to continue
> sending them to me and/or posting them.
> Here are my original questions previously posted to the aoirlist.  I'm
> hoping the formatting is better this time:
> "For a piece I'm preparing on interaction back and forth between online
> and offline or from digital to physical worlds and back, I'm looking for
> references about how that works for people, especially those who are
> members of online communities.
> More than particular data to show this communication in process, although
> that is good too, I want to conceptualize themovement, the "flow" from one
> realm to another, to describe what is happening.  Also, how does the online
> communication, including that through mobile phones, affect the offline
> interaction, and how do the offline encounters affect what goes on inside
> the online communities and in other social media containing some of the
> same people interacting offline. This project is part of my music fan
> research on fan communities, identities, and relationships.
> I'm already aware of the articles in the first issue of Mobile Media and
> Communication (January, 2013), and of Lauren Sessions-Goulet's excellent
> paper of a few years back on offline meetings and online communities, and
> have a few other helpful sources.  I've done a body of work on romantic
> online relationships so I understand many of the dynamics there.
> Please feel free to write off list or on.  Thanks so much in advance!
> cheers,
> andee (andrea baker)"
> thanks!  --a
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Natalya Godbold
PhD Candidate (Human Information Behaviour / Health Communication)
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of Technology, Sydney

Autonomous, Responsible, Alone (Interdisciplinary Press):
Social Information Research (Emerald)

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