[Air-L] Call for reviewers -- HICSS Social Networking and Communities minitrack
Caroline Haythornthwaite
c.haythorn at ubc.ca
Mon Jun 17 16:42:37 PDT 2013
Hi all. We have an overwhelming response to our minitrack for the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences and are looking for new (or renewing) reviewers. To give you a flavor for the kind of papers there is an overview of the minitrack below. These will be full papers, no longer than 10 pages (in 10 pt). Reviews will be due end of July.
If you are interested in reviewing, please send me an email with your name, institution (if any), position (student, faculty, other), and 3-5 keywords to describe the areas you feel most competent reviewing. Please also indicate if you are able to review 1, 2 or 3 papers.
Thanks to volunteers in advance.
Caroline Haythornthwaite
SLAIS, The iSchool at UBC
c.haythorn at ubc.ca
Social Networking and Communities minitrack in the Digital and Social Media track
The focus of this mintrack is primarily on social media and their interrelations with communities (online and offline) in the context of work, personal life, and education. We would like to attract papers that address issues of social media and online communities of practice, inquiry and interest; social, political and economic social media sustained and/or augmented communities. By ‘communities’, we include communities of practice, epistemic communities, communities of inquiry; as well as fully virtual communities, and social media use that supports or complements geographically based community. Social media use for maintenance of interpersonal and communal relations, real-time updates of local activity, and awareness and social network building is rapidly expanding. Community building and community management can be key success factors in the society, encompassing work, education, social life, and play. An understanding of design of technologies and practices, and the networks and behaviors emerging from the use of such media can play an important role in creating and sustaining effective educational, social, political and economic practices in the 21st century.
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