[Air-L] WUNC displays and microblogging?

Joe Eckert jeckert1 at uw.edu
Thu Jun 6 09:42:17 PDT 2013

Hi gang,

Long time lurker, first time author!  We're writing a paper that utilizes
Tilly's notion of WUNC displays.  I was wondering if you would be so kind
to share any references that you know of that might specifically link WUNC
displays to Twitter or other microblogging activity?  I've come across one
or two via Google Scholar and other database searches, but I've noticed
that searching for Twitter-related research can be kind of a pain now that
we're including handles in our bylines. :)

Thanks for any help you might be able to provide!  Off-list replies are


Joe Eckert, Ph. C
Department of Geography
University of Washington
somelab.net founder

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