[Air-L] Assoc. of Amer. Geographers CFP: Digital Geographies, Geographies of Digitalia

Jen Jack Gieseking jgieseking at gmail.com
Sun Oct 6 11:30:08 PDT 2013

Hi all,
Please feel free to forward or repost widely. Thanks!

Jen Jack Gieseking, Ph.D.
New Media and Data Visualization Specialist, Postdoctoral Fellow
Digital and Computational Studies Initiative, Bowdoin College
jgieseking at gmail.com
@jgieseking <https://twitter.com/jgieseking>

Association of American Geographers (AAG) CFP
Digital Geographies, Geographies** of Digitalia*

Jen Jack Gieseking (Bowdoin College) and Luke Bergmann (University of

With expanding interest in and work on the ways technology and our everyday
lives interrelate, increasing recognition of implications of digital
methods and theoretical dispositions in geography is also growing. Much of
this attention has been devoted to important and exciting explorations
using geoweb or Geospatial Web frameworks, often prioritizing the work of
GIS, big data, and/or, reflexively, science and technology studies (STS).
While the digital humanities are exploding onto the academic scene--not
only foregrounding a disposition toward a creative criticism that is
generative, but also simultaneously posing questions of interest to
literary and social theory--"digital geographies" are beginning to emerge.
What can geography bring to the table? How might we embrace not only
digital geographies that explore the digital, the computational, or the
algorithmic, but also embrace geographies of digitalia, i.e. the social
construction of our everyday lives and space through the imbrication of the
digital and the material?

In this session, we are interested in fostering a broader diversity of
digital scholarship, qualitative and quantitative, that consciously engages
digitally, yet may or may not take 'the digital' as its object of study. We
are particularly interested in papers that provide theoretical,
methodological, and/or analytical insights into digital approaches to
geography. We welcome papers inspired by, but not limited to, the following

   - feminist, queer, critical race, and disability studies approaches for
   challenging inequality and injustice through digital means and/or in
   digital spaces and places
   - constructions in the digital differences of place, such as urban vs.
   rural, comparative urbanisms, across scales
   - critical uses of Open Access, Open Source, Free and Open Source,
   and/or Open Data platforms, software, or initiatives
   - computational methods and analytics in geographic projects
   - analyses of civil movements’ use of technology, such as Tahir Square,
   Occupy, etc.
   - implementations of social media in geographic study and pedagogy
   - theoretical and applied insights into spatio-temporalities of digital
   space and place
   - data visualizations of space and time for diverse publics
   - digital methods and tools to support geographic participatory action
   - policy implications for shifting ethics and possibilites as inspired
   by online spaces

Please send a title and abstract of no more than 250 words to Jen Jack
Gieseking (jgieseki at bowdoin.edu) and Luke Bergmann (lrb9 at uw.edu) by October
20th, 2013 in order to submit your work to this Association of American
Geographers (AAG) conference session. This year's AAG will take place from
April 8th-12th in Tampa, FL, USA. Feel free to contact us with any
questions about the session. We look forward to a lively and engaging

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