[Air-L] FW: The Organisation of the Organisationless - Talks in Digital Culture: #1 - Oct 21 - 6pm - K0.20 King's College, Strand Campus

Jordan, Timothy timothy.jordan at kcl.ac.uk
Wed Oct 9 04:26:44 PDT 2013

Dear all, One for those in London, Cheers Tim

Talks in Digital Culture: #1
October 21st - 6pm - K0.20 King's College, Strand Campus

THE ORGANISATION OF THE ORGANISATIONLESS Organising and Leadership in the Popular Protest Wave, 2011-2013

>From Egypt, to Spain, the US, Turkey and Brazil, the current wave of popular protest has seen activists adopting social media as key means of communication, and protest camps and impromptu marches as tactics of protest. Besides these distinctive practices, what is striking about these movements is the emergence of new flexible forms of organisation and leadership, that invite us to go beyond simplistic descriptions of these movements as 'leaderless' or 'organisationless'. This event will focus on these emergent forms: their significance, their potentials, their limits and dangers. 

Rodrigo Nunes (Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) Paolo Gerbaudo (King's College London)
Moderator: Anna Feigenbaum (Bournemouth University)

Please RSVP via https://www.facebook.com/events/514739415276355/ 

Twitter: @KingsDCS
Share: https://www.facebook.com/DigitalCultureKings 

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