[Air-L] Award Announcement: PCA Electronic Reference Award

Paul Booth pbooth81 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 07:26:49 PDT 2013

* Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association*

*2014 Award*

*Electronic Reference Site Award*

* *

The Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association sponsors this
prestigious award each year along with literary and film awards.  This
award recognizes the growth and importance of new academic formats. Award
winners will be announced at the PCA/ACA annual convention in Chicago, IL
in 2014 and posted on the PCA/ACA website at
http://www.h-net.org/~pcaacca/and on other appropriate websites, and
in other media forums. Recipients
need not be present at the conference to receive the award.

*Submissions and Nominations Procedures: *

The policies and procedures for the Electronic Awards are similar to all
the other awards with a focus on quality and relevancy.  The award in a
particular year would look at the submissions of websites created over a
three year period. The deadline for receipt of materials to be considered
is *December 16, 2013*  The subjects of the site should be relevant to
Popular and American Culture.

The criteria for judgment by the committee would include: Quality of
research/scholarship, Use of hypertext/networking of electronic medium, Use
of Supplementary/Secondary Materials, Contribution to Popular and American
studies scholarship, Breadth of archived material, Ease of searching,

For nominating sites for the PCA/ACA Best Electronic Reference Site award,
please contact Paul Booth at pbooth at depaul.edu. In your nomination, please
include the website address, the subject of the site, and contact
information for the nominator/nominate. Self-nominations welcome.

Paul Booth, PhD
Assistant Professor of Media and Cinema Studies/Communication Technology
College of Communication
DePaul University
14 E. Jackson
Chicago, IL 60604

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