[Air-L] CfP - Summer School ICT4Democracy - New Delhi, India

RUßMANN Uta | FHWien der WKW Uta.Russmann at fh-wien.ac.at
Thu Oct 24 23:49:26 PDT 2013

Dear AoIRists,

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Please find attached the CfP for the "International Summer School on Information and Communication Technology for Democracy".

March 9th - 15th, 2014

New Delhi, India

Organized jointly by: Society for Education and Research Development, India & HumanIT, Karlstad University, Sweden

In co-operation with: Department of Communication, Marketing & Sales, FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW, Austria & Institute for Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Sweden & IPMZ - Institute for Mass Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland & Zentrum für E-governance, Donau Universität Krems, Austria

Extended abstracts deadline is November 10th, 2013.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have emerged as powerful tools for reaching to the ever-increasing information demands of the society. The increasing diversity of ICTs and their equally diverse applications in different domains of human life are posing a lot of questions every moment. Researchers around the globe are working to take-up these questions and challenges. This summer school is focused upon political aspects of ICTs and in particular their role in political and democratic development. The development of E-government and E-services have been remarkable the last five years and when it comes to ICTs for social and political change, the recent popular uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East have provided us with examples of how information circulation using online platforms can induce processes of democratization and political developments.

We are especially inviting participation from students who are at the stage of preparing their doctoral or masters' theses qualifications as well as activists, government officials, practitioners, NGO and aid agency workers to participate in the summer school to share experiences and learn from each other. The school is interactive in character, and is composed of keynote lectures and seminars, tutorials and workshops with student presentations. The idea is to encourage participants to build up collegial relationships. The topics and angles of this summer school will be relevant for students from as various academic disciplines as Political Science, Informatics, Computer Science, Media & Communication Studies, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, and Law and Anthropology. Our aim is to create a good mix of research and practice, theory and empiric material, we cordially invite projects, government organizations, as well as other senior researchers to present papers or to organize workshops as part of the summer school. We are aiming at between 25 to 40 participants and 15 invited faculty (around 7 international and 8 Indian keynote speakers, workshop organizers, seminar leaders and paper supervisors).

Research papers from all disciplines as well as practitioner papers are welcome to the summer school; contributions on application scenarios, use cases, and good practices; research with an empirical focus; and inter-disciplinary work. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  *   E-governance

  *   E-government and E-administration

  *   E-participation

  *   E-campaigning

  *   E-voting

  *   ICTs role in social and political change

  *   ICTs for corruption fighting, transparency and accountability

  *   ICTs for civic empowerment and gender equality

  *   ICTs for grass roots media and freedom of expression

  *   ICTs for poverty reduction

  *   ICTs for Peace

More information about the summer school can also be found at: http://serd.org.in/ss2014/

Best regards

Uta Russmann
Endowed Professorship for Strategic Communication Management & New Media

Department of Communication, Marketing & Sales
FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW
Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 (1) 476 77-5848, Fax: +43 (1) 476 77-5704
uta.russmann at fh-wien.ac.at<mailto:uta.russmann at fh-wien.ac.at>


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