[Air-L] IR14 and the political situation

Mark D. Johns mjohns at luther.edu
Sun Oct 13 09:34:14 PDT 2013

Unless you are planning to visit a national park or national monument
while here, you probably won't notice much difference. Some border
agents may be a little less hospitable than usual because they are
being forced to work without pay at present, but most will be their
normal, cheerful(?) selves.

However, if our "leaders" allow the country to go into default, we
have no idea what will happen. But my guess is that not much will
change initially, and you'll be safely back home before the sky starts
falling here.
Mark D. Johns, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
Luther College, Decorah, Iowa USA
"Get the facts first. You can distort them later."
    ---Mark Twain

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 3:32 AM, Stine Gotved <gotved at itu.dk> wrote:
> Hello fellow aoir-heads - especially you located in the US.
> In 10 days, we'll meet up in Denver, and I really look forward to IR14. However, could you please tell if there is anything in the present political situation that I as a foreigner ought to prepare for? Do I for example need to bring loads of cash or do I run the "risk" of being stuck? (I actually like that prospect better than most!)
> I'm not really alarmed - on the other hand, it's very hard to follow (not to say understand) the details in the administrative shut down. Please share your thoughts on the subject, in regard to the upcoming conference.
> Thanks,
> Stine
> Associalte Professor
> The IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
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