[Air-L] Pratt Institute, NYC, Assistant Professor in Computing and Emerging Information Technologies

Anthony Cocciolo acocciol at pratt.edu
Sat Oct 5 19:38:56 PDT 2013

Assistant Professor: *Computing and Emerging Information Technologies*,
Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science

Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science, has an opening
for full time tenure-track position at the level of assistant professor in
the area of Computing and Emerging Information
Full time, tenure-track, beginning Fall 2014

Position summary:
We seek a creative and innovative faculty member with research and teaching
agendas in some of the following areas related to computing and emerging
technologies: *Application and web development, Computer programming,
Content management systems, Open source programming, and API and system

Areas of specialization:
Within the context of the School’s emphasis on cultural and social
informatics across libraries, archives, museums and IT sector, the faculty
in this position will be leader of the core course LIS 654 Information
Technologies.  Further, he/she will be the lead faculty of computing and
emerging information technologies, which supports knowledge and skills for
certificate programs (archives and museum libraries), concentrations
(Information Policy and Society, Digital Humanities and User Experience
(UX)) and dual degrees (Digital Arts and History of Art).

Minimum education qualifications:
PhD in Information Science, Library Science or a related field such as
education, computer science and digital media studies

Preferred education qualification:
Candidates should demonstrate ability and strength in research and teaching
in one or more of the areas of specialization through their work, scholarly
publications, conference presentations and courses taught.

Minimum teaching/professional experience:
Candidates should demonstrate ability and strength in research and teaching
in one or more of the areas of specialization through their doctoral work,
scholarly publication, conference presentations and courses taught.

Preferred teaching/professional experience:
Preference will be given to applicants with professional experience in
fields related to this position as well as experience teaching at a
university in LIS or related field.

To apply:
Applicants are invited to submit a single PDF file that includes the
following documents: Cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement on research
and teaching interests, and names of four references.

Please e-mail materials to:
Debbie Rabina: drabina at pratt.edu

To learn more about Pratt SILS full-time faculty visit

Debbie Rabina
on behalf of the Pratt SILS search committee 2014

Anthony Cocciolo, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor
Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science
144 West 14th Street, Room 604D
New York, NY, 10011-7301
+1 212-647-7702
acocciol at pratt.edu

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