[Air-L] Fwd: [SWS-L:413] Call for panelists - feminist online pedagogy

Dianna Fielding sociologyfornerds at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 13:23:25 PDT 2013

Dear List,

Please see below a CFP which may be of interest to some of you. All
questions should be directed to Julie Wiest.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julie Wiest <jbwiest at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 3:10 PM
Subject: [SWS-L:413] Call for panelists - feminist online pedagogy
To: sws-l <Sws-l at listproc.cc.ku.edu>

Greetings, SWS members!

I am seeking participants for a panel session focused on feminist online
pedagogy for the *2014 SWS Winter Meeting*.

In their recent article in *Feminist Teacher*, Chick and Hassel (2009)
called for increased efforts to bring the feminist classroom online,
explaining that "(f)eminist pedagogy produces a classroom environment of
mutual respect where both teacher and students take active, responsible,
and shared roles in the learning process" (p. 197-198). We know that online
education is likely here to stay: About 6.7 million U.S. college students
(about 32 percent) are now taking at least one course online, and about 69
percent of institutions of higher education report that online education is
critical to their long-term strategy.* For this panel, I am looking for
teacher-scholars who have taught online (or who are just interested in
online teaching) and can offer ideas, tips, and strategies for
incorporating feminist principles and values into the online classroom.
Especially welcome are panelists who can discuss these experiences/ideas in
relation to gender and/or intersectional inequalities, in keeping with the
conference theme.

*Please let me know by Oct 25* if you are interested in serving as a
panelist or have any questions.

Thank you,
Julie Wiest

* Elaine Allen and Jeff Seaman, “Changing Course: Ten Years of Tracking
Online Education in the United States,” *Babson Survey Research Group
*and *Quahog
Research Group* (2013).


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