[Air-L] CFP: Designing Futures for P2P Learning, a CSCW '14 workshop

Peyina Lin peyina at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 23:29:10 PDT 2013

CSCW '14 <http://cscw.acm.org/> workshop
Designing Futures for Peer-to-Peer Learning <http://p2pl.media.mit.edu/>
Sat. Feb. 15, 2014

*Application deadline:* Dec. 1, 2013
*Notifications:* Dec. 16, 2013

*Website:* http://p2pl.media.mit.edu/
*Submission email:* p2pl.cscw at gmail.com

About the workshop*
Open, online learning environments, such as MOOCs (Massive Open Online
Courses) and open learning communities have been promoted as a way to
expand equitable access to quality education. Such learning experiences are
potentially enriched via extensive networks of peer learners. Even though
challenges exist to realize these aspirations, open, online learning
environments can serve as a mechanism for how we provide transformative
learning experiences. This workshop aims to bring researchers, designers,
and practitioners from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to explore how the
body of CSCW knowledge can better support the vision of sustaining
peer-to-peer learning in online environments.

We are interested in themes that leverage open and networked settings to
engage learners from a diversity of backgrounds. These settings also
include systems that enable learners to design learning experiences for
other learners and any other emergent learning practices, peer-to-peer or
otherwise, enabled by the networked and collaborative systems. The workshop
topics and themes will revolve around these and similar topics listed
below. We view these example topics as guide-posts:

   - Design of online learning systems
   - Peer-to-peer learning systems
   - Learning analytics
   - Equitable access and broad participation online
   - Crowdsourced evaluation and other assessment methods
   - Creativity
   - Accreditation
   - Badges
   - Mentorship
   - Peer feedback
   - Learning webs
   - Peer interaction and collaboration
   - Motivation and engagement

*Plenary speakers
*Jonathan Grudin <http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/jgrudin/>(MSR),
Andrea Forte <http://www.andreaforte.net/> (Drexel U),
Philipp Schmidt <http://web.media.mit.edu/%7Eps1/>(P2PU/MIT Media Lab),

Please submit a 2 to 4 page “vision” paper that connects to the workshop
themes listed above. In this vision paper (in CHI Extended Abstract
select a setting or specific scenario related to online learning
environments. Submissions should address three questions:

   - What problem space in open, online learning environments are you
   interested in?
   - What is your vision for addressing that issue or issues?
   - How would you plan to carry out that vision?

 In addition, please provide a 100 to 150 word biography to describe your
interests and skill sets you envision contributing to the workshop. We will
review all submissions based on the relevance to the workshop themes,
supporting a diversity of topics and disciplinary backgrounds.

*Main Activities*
Using the Futures workshop approach, participants will generate critiques,
co-create visions, and propose implementations for open, online learning
environments. In small groups, the implementations will be presented/shared
with other workshop participants. Please visit the workshop website for
more information (http://p2pl.media.mit.edu/)

In addition to the implementations, we will discuss future steps to sustain
a community of researchers and practitioners; e.g., partnerships, designs
and implementation projects, plans for research proposals, symposia or
panel proposals for conferences, new empirical studies to conduct, or
publications to write.

Peyina Lin <http://www.peyina.com>, University of Washington
Ricarose Roque <http://www.ricarose.com>, MIT Media Lab
Peter Wardrip <http://www.lpc.pitt.edu/personnel/peter-wardrip>, University
of Pittsburgh
June Ahn <http://ahnjune.com/>, University of Maryland, College Park
Ben Shapiro <http://benshapi.ro/>, Tufts University

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