[Air-L] CFP: Digital work, digital life: European Conference on Information Systems

Yoram Kalman yoram.kalman at gmail.com
Thu Oct 31 06:41:46 PDT 2013

   Dear AoIR colleagues,
   I am saddened to be confronted by a call for academic boycott on this
   Although I personally strongly object to many of the policies, actions
   and decisions of the Israeli government in regards to the resolution of
   the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I believe calls to restrict academic
   freedom counteract efforts to promote peace in the Middle East. Many
   colleagues and friends on this list have visited Israel in the past,
   and witnessed the efforts of Israeli academia to maintain academic
   freedom despite the racist, nationalistic and fundamentalist sentiments
   which are a part of our society, as well as of any other society I
   Support of academic freedom in a country does not indicate support of
   the country's government or its policies: not in Israel, not in Syria,
   not in Egypt or in Turkey or in Saudi Arabia or anywhere else. Our
   academic freedom is constantly under attack from without by those who
   are threatened by what academic freedom represents: openness, education
   for all, international networking and freedom of speech and thought.
   Let's not assist the opponents of academic freedom from within.
Yoram Kalman, PhD
Cell: +972 54 574 7375

   On 31/10/2013 13:53, sky wrote:

   For those considering this conference I remind you of the calls for
   academics to boycott all conferences held in Israel. There is more
   information about this:
   Of course the choice to attend or not is your own, but it's worth at
   least reading the page.
   On Thu, 2013-10-31 at 11:36 +0200, Yoram Kalman wrote:

   I invite you to submit a proposal for ECIS 2014 in Tel Aviv

   Paper Submission begins: 1 November, 2013
   Call for Papers Submission Deadline Date: 8 December, 2013
   Notification of acceptance: 3 March, 2014
   Panel submission deadline: 5 March, 2014
   Final version of accepted papers due: 30 March, 2014
   Early Bird Registration closes: 16 April, 2014

   Digital Work, Digital Life. Our physical reality is increasingly
   entangled with digital representations. We are continuously connecting
   to distant others via email, text and social media on our mobile
   devices. We rely on big data analytics to help us take action in our
   increasingly complex world and inanimate objects are beginning to
   communicate with one another in "the Internet of things." At ECIS 2014
   we want to make the exploration of the opportunities and challenges
   associated with increasing digitality in both our work and everyday
   lives a key theme. Not only will ECIS 2014 feature conference tracks
   that focus on digital innovation but it will also introduce new forms
   of conferencing and interacting. ECIS 2014 will leverage digital
   technology for participants to meet and interact in new ways. It will
   also offer a variety of presentation modalities including paper
   presentations, interactive posters and demos, and developmental
   roundtable discussions. ECIS 2014 will also include an industry track
   where experts in such fields as cyber security, mobile technology and
   digital innovation will share their insights.

   An online version of this CFP appears on the ECIS 2014 website:


   All papers need to be submitted to one - and only one -- of the 24
   tracks that constitute the ECIS 2014 program
   [2][4]http://ecis2014.eu/the-tracks/ :

   01 Digital Work, Digital Life (conference theme)

   02 Advancing Theories and Theorizing in IS Research

   03 Alternative Genres

   04 Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management

   05 Business Model and Entrepreneurship Research in IS

   06 Business Process Management

   07 Designing Collaboration

   08 Decision Support and Big Data

   09 Digital Health Initiatives

   10 Economics and Value of IS

   11 General IS Topics and Breakthrough Ideas

   12 Human-Computer Interaction

   13 IT Project Management

   14 IS Security and Privacy

   15 IT Strategy and Governance

   16 Mobile Life and Mobile Technologies

   17 Openness and IT

   18 IS Teaching Cases

   19 Research Methods and Philosophy

   20 Service Innovation, Engineering, and Management

   21 Social Media Research and Analytics within and between Organizations

   22 Sustainably Digital

   23 The Digital Public Sector

   24 Panels
Yoram Kalman, PhD
Cell: +972 54 574 7375


   1. [5]http://ecis2014.eu/call-for-papers/
   2. [6]http://ecis2014.eu/the-tracks/
   3. [7]http://www.kalmans.com/
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   Due to security concerns with Gmail and other Google services, I'm
   switching over to Riseup. From now on, please email me at:
   [12]skyc at riseup.net


   1. http://www.kalmans.com/
   2. http://www.bdsmovement.net/activecamps/academic-boycott
   3. http://ecis2014.eu/call-for-papers/
   4. http://ecis2014.eu/the-tracks/
   5. http://ecis2014.eu/call-for-papers/
   6. http://ecis2014.eu/the-tracks/
   7. http://www.kalmans.com/
   8. mailto:Air-L at listserv.aoir.org
   9. http://aoir.org/
  10. http://listserv.aoir.org/listinfo.cgi/air-l-aoir.org
  11. http://www.aoir.org/
  12. mailto:skyc at riseup.net

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