[Air-L] Re_Copenhagen 2007 Keynote address - anyone have the name

Niels Brügger nb at imv.au.dk
Sun Sep 15 09:35:21 PDT 2013

Hi Denise,

Web archives are wonderful things - you can find information about the AoIR Conference in Copenhagen here:
- http://web.archive.org/web/20080317000410/http://conferences.aoir.org/
- http://web.archive.org/web/20081205182724/http://wiki.aoir.org/index.php?title=IR9.0_Talks_Information_and_Discussion

Very best,

Niels Brügger

BTW: Copenhagen was in 2008, Vancouver was 2007.

Message: 3
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 18:19:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Denise N. Rall" <denrall at yahoo.com<mailto:denrall at yahoo.com>>
To: "air-l at listserv.aoir.org" <air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
Subject: [Air-L] Copenhagen 2007 Keynote address - anyone have the
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Aior-ers -

I'm trying to remember the name of the distinguished scholar who addressed AoIR in her 2007 keynote on the role of wikis in a large research project, I believe at UC-Santa Barbara or somewhere in the UCal system. Looked on the AoIR archives but didn't locate the keynotes. I remember Richard Ling faced a bit of flack while speaking - leaving the other excellent female professor's keynote a bit backgrounded. Good lesson in salience!

Thanks heaps. Sorry to clutter inboxes for such a small detail and much appreciated if anyone still has the .pdf of the program to hand.


Dr Denise N. Rall, Adjunct Lecturer, School of Arts & Social Sciences
Chair of Textiles & Secretary, Popular Culture Australia-New Zealand
Currently: Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia
Phones - Mobile +(61)(0)438 233344 Fax +(61)(0)2 6624 5380



August 2013
Web historiography and Internet Studies: Challenges and perspectives, New Media & Society, 15(5), 752-764
Read more: http://nms.sagepub.com/content/15/5/752.abstract

June 2013
Historical Network Analysis of the Web, Social Science Computer Review, 31(3), 306-321
Read more: http://ssc.sagepub.com/content/31/3/306.abstract

March 2013
The Web and Digital Humanities: Theoretical and Methodological Concerns (w. N.O. Finnemann), Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 57(1), 66-80
Read more: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08838151.2012.761699

NIELS BRÜGGER, Associate Professor, PhD
Director, the Centre for Internet Studies
Department of Aesthetics and Communication
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14
8200 Aarhus N

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Profile at LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/1/50a/555
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