Irina Shklovski irsh at itu.dk
Sat Sep 21 05:00:11 PDT 2013

*********Apologies for cross-posting************

Baltimore, MD, Feb 15-19, 2014

CSCW is an international and interdisciplinary conference focused on how technology intersects with social practices.

* October 07, 5:00pm PDT, 2013: Submission due
* November 07: Final notifications

CSCW brings together top researchers and practitioners from academia and industry who are interested in both the technical and social aspects of collaboration. The development and application of new technologies continues to enable new ways of working together and coordinating activities. Cooperation and coordination take place in different settings, ranging from work to recreational and social activities. Moreover, an increasing range of devices are involved in cooperation, as we collaborate in different contexts and situations. The conference has several venues for participation:

INTERACTIVE POSTERS: CSCW 2014 will include an interactive poster category for late-breaking and preliminary results, smaller results not suitable for a full or short paper, innovative ideas not yet validated through user studies, early student research, and other research best presented in an interactive forum.

Posters will be presented in a special Poster Session where researchers will interact directly with conference attendees. The posters will then remain up throughout the remainder of the conference. We are also exploring several new exciting opportunities for poster presentation.

Interactive poster abstract submissions (extended abstract and poster draft) must be made via the Precision Conference System.
Send queries about Interactive posters to posters2014 at cscw.acm.org<mailto:posters2014 at cscw.acm.org>

DEMOS: CSCW 2014 demonstrations present implementations of new CSCW systems and concepts. The peer-reviewed demonstrations allow conference participants to view novel and noteworthy CSCW systems in action, discuss the systems with those who created them, and try them out. Appropriate demonstrations include applications, technologies, and research prototypes, and may showcase work that has been or is being published at CSCW or elsewhere. Demonstrations can also serve to showcase novel commercial products not previously described in the research literature. Demonstrations should be interactive and provide attendees a hands-on experience. The demo forum is not an opportunity for marketing or sales presentations. Presenters must have been directly involved with the development of the system and be able to explain the unique and novel contributions of the system.

Demo submission categories: At CSCW 2014, the primary type of demo is the Reception Demo. Reception Demos will be showcased during a special demo reception. These demonstrations will be spaced around a large room, and will run concurrently during the block of time set aside for demonstrations. Attendees will be free to explore the room and visit demos of interest. This promotes informal interaction and in-depth information exchange among demo presenters and attendees. A demo presentation should be brief so that it can be shown repeatedly to many attendees.

Demonstrators may also propose an Integrated Demo. Integrated Demos will run throughout the conference, and should enhance the conference experience for attendees. Because integrated demos can directly affect participants' conference experience, they will be held to a higher standard of quality and robustness than reception demos. Examples of integrated demos might be systems that enable social networking, or that enable collaborative reflection on conference presentations.

Demo submissions consist of two components: (1) a two-page extended abstract in the Extended Abstracts format, and (2) a demo system summary that describes the logistics of the demonstration. We also highly encourage authors to also include (3) a video of the system in action, particularly if it helps illustrate the proposed demonstration (at most 2 minutes long).

The extended abstract, system summary, and URL for accessing the video should be e-mailed to the Demonstrations Co-Chairs at demos2014 at cscw.acm.org<mailto:demos2014 at cscw.acm.org>.  All demonstrations will be advertised and showcased in the conference pack and throughout the conference.

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